[quote=@KatherinWinter] I am not going to argue with you. I am almost sure that you either the title of the pm, which I deleted, or something in our discussion before we started indicated that you were looking for someone subservient. [/quote] I'm sorry, but we're kind of arguing. And I'm 100% sure. Because I actually have direct proof to the contrary, and I don't delete old PM's that are still relevant. So let me show you one of my comments. [img]https://i.imgur.com/kjEDCpf.png[/img] The important bit with this, is you explaining that you don't want a weak slave. [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZE2vbRR.png[/img] My reply. "Yeah, I want a more rebellious slave too." [img]https://i.imgur.com/uefyE3C.png[/img] You replying to a comment, I made. Explaining how Bastian did not have good social skills and that I needed someone to aid him. [img]https://i.imgur.com/44sDeno.png[/img] After I brought my character forward, you seemed to make the decision out of all the pre-made characters. You had nobody. So it was your decision to make them shy and unsociable. I merely said to compromise, that isn't a bad thing on it's own. If she has other skills to back it up like sex appeal or thievery. But you clarified you didn't have that either. So let's be perfectly clear. I never had a problem with you being a shy character. But because of what I've already explained and how it could be worked around. But it was absolutely not, my idea or direction I forced (or even suggested) upon you. It was your own decision you made arbitrarily, by refusing to make/edit a character that fit the story. Which wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't used as one. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I didn't realize the tunnels were blocked. Being tunnels I assumed there was more than one way out. I shouldn't. [/quote] If you read what I wrote. They went down a large, seemingly never ending staircase to get to the underground tunnels. The door shut behind them, making it dark without his eyes. Hence why Bastian carried her. The only other way (that Bastian or Elizabeth could see.) was the foggy tunnel that went one way and one way only...there was no separate path and even if we made one, you could be rest assured the woman who was pissed off at him would have chased them down. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] Actually I do know that Bastian won't listen to Liz. While she hasn't tried much she has tried twice. [/quote] Some people may need more than two subtle prods to get them to pay attention. Bastian is one of those people. And again, he very much was in an agreeable position in the tunnels with Elizabeth. One of those times, but he also had no other practical choice. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] Liz knows that there is danger in the world but she doesn't think that she is in danger. She was framed but I doubt Bastian will ever discover that. But Bastian didn't seem open to the idea and honestly I couldn't think of a way for either Liz or my beastkind to get him to consider it. If I can think of something I might bring him back but right now I don't see that happening. [/quote] I'm fine with the character being naive in that way. Bastian is naive himself in others. So they match, if nothing else. Story wise, if we aren't counting off screen measure like we're on a television show. Elizabeth hasn't even introduced herself to him yet. Which again, is why I wanted to use this moment in the story to pause it and build character and the relationship. Again, I had no problem with the scene and how it unfolded. You did, because of an OOC problem that you believed I did it out of character. Following the shady girl's advice, but not the shady beastkind. But I explained how it made logical sense in character. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I shouldn't compare who your beastkind to mine. But the fate that he has no information or clues about who kidnapped his kids or why means he has little chance of finding them. [/quote] If you mean from previous RP's, yes you're correct. And you keep bringing up that the odds are small in Bastian's favor like this is a monumental failure on my or our part. When it's literal rule 1 of good drama and story telling. Make the challenge/antagonist/problem as big as possible. The bigger the task, the more accomplished they'll be when they finally succeed... He had clues, it was small. Yes it the real world, he'd probably be screwed. Good thing this is fantasy. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I understand why Bastian needs to control his curse. I am just not convinced that Liz can do it. Not because of her personality but his. [/quote] Well again, that challenge is on purpose and is a good thing. Liz is a hardworker, Bastian did help and save her from a lot already. She'd try her best. And after I was going to have Bastian go a step too far, I was going to make him want to finally change himself too. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] The Bladed Beauty isn't an assassin. There is no reason for her to be linked to the assassin's guild. Yes the guild might use her, her skills would be very beneficial to them, that doesn't link her to the guild. [/quote] You answered your own confusion. She's "connected" to them, in the same way she's "connected" to the kidnappers. She has a very useful skill and has helped people that she likely wouldn't have if she knew the full story. Unless I misspoke. It also wouldn't make logical sense, to be working for the guild and then subsequently be ratted out by them as well. (As you would have seen, the criminals, least I planned for them to follow a "Code Of Honor" that applies to fellow members.) [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] Yes I could put more into the plot. Yes I can affect where they go. No I will not do either. That is my choice. I don't like it when stories take random paths that have nothing to do with the plot. I'll do my best to respond to what I think is happening and hope that I am not too far off the mark. [/quote] I'll to be as clear as possible. I never minded if you didn't want to create story elements. I was fine with what you were doing. You acknowledge that nothing is holding you back from doing it. But the entire disagreement and my enjoyment ceased as a result that I was being accused of not reading what was wrote. If you never told me. "Well you must not have read what I said." implying I'm not putting in the basic effort. When I feel basic efforts implies you do these five things. 1. Post 2. Read Posts 3. Run it through basic spellcheck 4. Skim to correct errors you find. 5. Communicate. And I knew I did those things... You've clearly have had more problems with things I've done, but you still don't understand and have the exact same problems after I clarify it. So there's nothing more I can reasonably do. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] If you don't want me asking questions to clarify points I don't understand than I won't. [/quote] I don't have problems with you asking questions. But the ones you had been asking are random, unimportant tangents that come across as nitpicking or backseat roleplaying... Like one of the first questions involved "Why did he give her the motto of the city?" Why would learning that OOC be essential? And she easily could have asked in IC instead. I don't wish to bring these up, because I found them innocuous enough. But almost all the question weren't really about your character or how you wanted to world build. It was mostly nitpicking Bastian's actions, like they were mine. Like I'm not intentionally writing Bastian as a flawed character who makes mistakes. But when you add the accusation that I wasn't reading, and add the fact that you refuse to participate in the story. But can't even make up your mind if it's your own choice, or if you want to blame me for I'm making the story in a way you can't understand. You've literally given me both of those reasons, and it can't be both. (But even, if I was somehow to blame. You also don't want to do another roleplay and become the lead instead...) [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I don't think Elizabeth's story is going to be a part of this. As much as I hate that it serves no purpose to include it. I will watch for ways to include it but at the moment I don't see it happening. [/quote] Honestly, you haven't even tried. You've admitted to doing so. I don't think you're trying to guilt trip me or anything. But you're still stating it, without even telling me or asking me to help you mesh your story into mine...there's always a way to compromise and I've been willing to do so. [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] I think another problem we are having is how we envision the world. [/quote] The problem we're having is you created a strict narrative track that you don't think I'm following, that you literally gave not a shred of background information of. But you didn't want to lead the story and have make active efforts to counter directing the story when I give you the rope... [hr] [quote=@KatherinWinter] The uprising is fine. I don't see it's purpose but I am open to seeing how it effect the story. [b]I will follow your lead as best I can. [/b] [b]That's all I can do at this point. Unfortunately I don't understand a lot of what you posted for what you have planned coming up but I am not going to worry about it.[/b] [/quote] But that's not what I wanted. And it's not what you wanted. And if you aren't following any of the plot, this will only be bound to happen again. I'm not blaming you. I'm not blaming me. I think the best we both can do is maybe try again sometime. But I can't find this scenario fun to continue and I can't imagine all of this has been enjoyable for you either. I'm sorry that I couldn't find a way to make these easier for you. Or if I seemed rude in my frustration of how this was unfolding. I liked roleplaying with you, and I hope we can do it again in better conditions in the future. But this will have to go on hiatus, if the plot can't be followed or understood by the other person. And the fact that they can't understand it, is forcing them into a situation they won't even do anything but follow. (and since they literally, don't follow.) This will become a one-sided train-wreck, where neither person is satisfied. So I'm putting this RP to rest. If you wish to continue and have someone else take my place, I give you full permission to do so. I honestly hope to roleplay with you again in future. Have a good rest of your day/afternoon/night.