As Orcamon attempts to give chase after the fleeing Raven Supiromon grabs hold and attempts to wrestle him back only to be dragged along for a distance, finally catching hold of something underwater he stands up and tosses the massive whale digimon back and takes a stand against it, knowing he is still at a disadvantage but having better odds than the deep water that they were in. Meanwhile KK realizing with Raven gone the girl up top would be alone and potentially able to escape scrambles up the emergency escape, hoping to catch her before she escapes. Reaching the top he notices she is not only not trying to escape but still there. Getting close to her he hears her. Replying to her he says. "Yes you have." He stands a few feet from her looking at her. "What is going on in your head to make you attack other digidestined?" He asks slightly recognizing her.