Anemone ate her food slowly, making sure she had Aero's attention so she could demonstrate passable manners. Maybe he'd be smart enough to learn by example... The sight of the Gummymon inhaling food proved that thought wrong. [color=fff200]"Aero!"[/color] she said sharply, but did her best not to raise her voice. The digimon froze dead and look towards her, mouth full of food. [color=fff79a]"Mhm?"[/color] [color=fff200]"You should chew your food. That's why you have teeth. It'll keep you from choking and make it easier for your body to digest it..."[/color] she trailed off, wondering if digimon even digested food. Aero complied after a moment of thought, awkwardly moving his mouth to chew. When he swallowed, his eyes went wide. [color=fff79a]"That went down easy!"[/color] Apparently having seen the light, the little Gummymon went back to stuffing his face, this time chewing furiously, still not really displaying any manners. Well, it was technically an improvement, Anemone thought, letting it drop for now. Introductions went around, Anemone taking note of everyone's names. Aero took a hop, eager to follow up. [color=fff79a]"My name's Aero,"[/color] he said, dropping half-chewed food out his mouth onto the dirty stone floor. He paused and stared at it. He glanced towards Anemone, leaning in slowly towards the food. The tamer pulled a subtle face of disgust. [color=fff200]"[i]Don't.[/i]"[/color] Aero paused again, still staring at her, mouth wide open and an inch from the food. After a long second of deep consideration, his mouth snapped up the grub. [color=fff200]"Aero!"[/color] Anemone found herself saying again, this time louder though. [color=fff79a]"What? Look, look! I left the bottom layer of food! The part touching the ground! So I ate the part that never did!"[/color] he said while chewing. Anemone sat back, still looking grossed out, though realizing what was done was done. [color=fff200]"You can get sick doing that. Just keep your food in your mouth next time."[/color] The girl continued eating, having the entertainment of her classmates to pass the time. It was interesting to finally get something of a handle on their personalities. She glanced between them, gaze lingering on Lilac, who caught her interest the most, mianly because she was the only other girl. She also seemed to be close to their age, despite acting as their teacher. It seemed Dante's outburst had rubbed her the wrong way--understandably--as she spoke up, keeping Aero from responding to Vulcan's request to race. Anemone watched with great interest, eyes widening as her hand went to take her Digivice out of her pocket. She looked from the Impmon to Aero, who had also been staring. With a determined smirk, he looked up towards her. [color=fff79a]"I wanna sprout arms and legs too,"[/color] he said, earning a pause and then a giggle from Anemone as his words sunk in. [color=fff200]"They [i]are[/i] useful,"[/color] she agreed. The girl looked again to the Digivice in her hand. Lilac had avoided giving them any real instructions, but that was evidently purposeful. [i]Demonstrate that you can figure it out on your own[/i] was the loud and clear message. Because of that, Anemone refrained from asking any questions. She simply gripped the Digivice tighter, holding it close to her chest. She glanced once more to Aero, who seemed to be trembling with excitement. He gave her a nod, and she closed her eyes. Immediately, she felt [i]something[/i]. A tingling deep in her chest. She focused on that feeling, instinctually stoking it however she could. Something went right, because she felt the warmth suddenly burst outwards from her chest and into her limbs, her toes and fingers prickling with numbness. Her eyes snapped open at the sudden excess of energy coursing through her... and Aero now. The Gummymon was at the center of a blinding light, as Yaamon had been a minute earlier. The girl stared, breath held as the process continued without any more conscious thought from her. The light from Aero grew in intensity as the tingling began to fade from her body's core, traveling like a wave out to her numbing extremities. The sensation passed a moment later, as did the light. In its place was a Terriermon. Anemone stared at the digimon, a slight smile dancing on her lips. A wave of dizzyness ran through the girl suddenly, causing her body to waver for a split second, as though she were about to topple. Her eyes narrowed as she bit the inside of her mouth, regaining her balance as quickly as possible. Anemone did not want to be collapsing in front of these people. Not after she had just managed to get Aero to digivolve on her first try. Maybe it was the fact that she was the only girl out of this group, or maybe it was just her natural personality, but she felt she had something to prove. She took a second to breathe, looking back towards Aero. [color=fff79a]"I feel different,"[/color] he said. [color=fff200]"You [i]look[/i] different,"[/color] was her reply. She took the sight in some more, the faintest blush appearing on her cheeks. He looked different, alright. He looked [i]adorable[/i]. Not that she was about to say that out loud, though. [color=fff200]"So? How does it feel to have limbs?"[/color] she asked with a smirk, the dizziness finally beginning to subside--though in its place she realized she was tired. [color=fff79a]"They're amazing!"[/color] he yelled, jumping and splaying out his arms, legs, and sizable ears, which kept him afloat in the air for a moment. [color=fff79a]"I feel stronger."[/color] Aero hopped up, catching one of Anemone's shoulders with an ear and swinging himself around so he landed on her other shoulder. [color=fff79a]"You shrunk."[/color] he said to the girl. His gaze shifted to look out to the arena. [color=fff79a]"I... kind of want to punch something with my ears,"[/color] he mumbled, still reeling from the amount of energy coursing through his small body. [color=fff200]"Relax a bit,"[/color] Anemone said, though she was glad he seemed as proud as she felt about the digivolution. [color=fff200]"I want to see what the other digimon turn into."[/color] The words seemed to refocus Aero, and he nodded. Something about his personality seemed different--it was clear he was still the same Aero, but he seemed to have suddenly matured a few years. As though he went from being a toddler to a ten year old. She could tell he was raring to go, but he was holding himself back far better than any of the in-training digimon she had seen so far.