[center][h1][i]WHISPER[/i][/h1][/center] Having paid close attention to the captain's instructions, Whisper awkwardly made his way into the ship, trying to get away from the rest of the crew as quickly as possible. Unlike what the literal monstrous outside of the ship would have you believe, this was a legitimately outfitted vessel, and far bigger than most of the ones he had been inside in his life. The thief couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of technology went into transforming a living creature into a powerful flying craft. Did it have guns too? Not that it needed them with its humongous size and natural capabilities for destruction. He also took note of the previously misplaced little creatures the captain mentioned as being the mechanics of the ship. They looked like your common nebula spawn, albeit with seemingly a high enough intelligence to be able to maintain a ship. Would that thing work with them? Thinking better of it, maybe it wasn't worth the risk to try it. Who knows what could go wrong, much more so with the Witnessed Day onboard. That's right. He had to watch his steps around that one. Arrogant, ignorant, blind. He would make him pay. But not now. He was too weak. He had to bid his time, wait for the right moment to strike, and then... [color=BC8F8F][i]And then... And then what?[/i][/color] Whisper stopped his strides in the middle of the wide and dimly illuminated corridor, shaking his head as if trying to dispel all the weird thoughts popping up into his head. Like a mist flowing out of his grasp, they dissipated, and the thief had a hard time attempting to recall whatever he was thinking about a few moments ago. Only a general idea remained. Something about that big creature. Right, his guts told him it was better to stay away from that one. That seemed like a good advice. Putting this matter to the back of his mind, he finally took the time to look around and see where he had arrived. A door stood in front of him. Whisper noticed that his blind wandering had brought him somewhat close to the bridge of the ship. Pulling on the handle, he found himself inside a storage of sorts, with workbenches and lockers spread throughout it, where the lights were failing to function. No, more appropriately, this was an armory. Well, or so one would think. All the thief noticed around were bits and pieces of weapon parts, as well as a myriad of ammo to god knows which types of guns laying in piles. At a glance, the man could even tell that some of the "complete" weaponry were using improvised pieces to work semi-properly, while most of them would just not work at all, or worse yet, explode in the hands of whoever picked them up. Did the captain even use this room? He supposed he didn't seem like the most violent of men, but this was hardly any comfort for a crew that was just about to dive straight into an adventure into the unknown. The room wasn't all that bad, though. Whisper knew that with a bit of tidying up this could become a proper storage room and workshop, where he could mess around with parts and see what he could scavenge out of anything useful. Yeah, this would do. He had slept in worse places. He would need a mattress though. He wasn't a savage. [color=BC8F8F][i]Now... Time to look into things properly.[/i][/color] With that thought, Whisper closed the door behind him while making sure no one was coming this way. He scouted around the room in search of a vent, finally finding one on the ground near the entrance. Squatting near it, the thief paranoically glanced at his surroundings, before proceeding to slowly take off his mask. His facial features were hard to make out in the dimly lit room, but in the eyes where a reflection of the light should have been present, only pitch black darkness could be seen. A bottomless abyss that drew everything it laid eyes upon into a descent into the dark and unknown. He stared at the vent for what seemed like an eternity, waiting, calling for something to come and meet him. Until finally, after a good minute had gone by, a squeaking sound was heard. [color=BC8F8F]"Hah, in the end you are still a ship, even when it comes to the bad things..." His voice sounded, without the unnatural robotic tone, being this time similar to what one would expect in a young man.[/color] A small rat like nebula creature crawled through the vent, its body decorated in a metallic blue sheen. It stood there, unmoving, its minuscule beady eyes staring directly into Whisper's own, drawn to it by an unnatural connection as if waiting for something. Finally, something seemed to shine in the thing's gaze, before it retreated in a hurry back into the vent. Whisper stood up, satisfied with himself, before putting the mask back into his face. He didn't know how long it would take the little creature to go from one end of the ship to the other, but the results should be here in a few hours, or so he expected. Now though, it was time to clean up this mess. Right, he was also getting quite hungry. He should have taken one of the donuts. Was there some kind of cook around the ship? That would certainly be very useful.