Jorel was fiddling with his chin when Conrad spoke. He sat in the shotgun seat of the Explorer, his hand dangling out of the window. He looked around and noted the same thing as Conrad. "Yeah, dunno what's goin' on with that. But it's probs not a good idea to go shooting 'em if we're trying to draw them away. Yeah, just run 'em down." He shrugged and held his knife up. "We could go silent too, but your choice." Lately things were getting slightly tedious and repetitive, though Jorel couldn't complain. The constant threat of walkers which they could now easily handle was becoming less of a risk and more of a chore. Not like over half a year ago, when Conrad and Jorel had first met. [i]'Shit, he's off his nut, 'ey, mate,'[/i] he questioned himself when he first saw Conrad's walker killing passion up front. It was as if he had some mission to do, but in the end, Conrad was a friend, be it a little odd. "Ready when you are, mate."