[hider]At the lake about a dozen walkers were gathered by the lakeside, with multiple more walking across from the other side. Several were caught along the shore, having fallen through thinner ice that had been partially melting, now caught chest deep in the icy water, reaching out for something further out in the lake. One of the walkers shambling its way along the lake suddenly plunged through the ice, clawing at the ice before sinking out of sight. A few other holes were already spotting around the lake, signifying these weren’t the first to fall victim to the thin ice caused by the warmth. The focus of their attention was several feet off the shore of the lake. A small figure struggling; half submerged in the freezing water. This was clearly not a walker, they moved with too much purpose and the gasps were very non-zombie like. The ice cracked and there was a flash of panic in her eyes before she sank suddenly beneath the surface. Hands scrambled at the ice and the head quickly broke the surface once more, gasping loudly as she grasped helplessly at the ice, with another firm pull she hauled herself nearly fully out of the water, scrambling up onto the ice and quickly making her way onto the shore.[/hider] Dashing through the forest, her breath turning to a light fog grey eyes darted around as the small girl stumbled through the woods, her feet falling silently in the light snow. With their quarry now on the move the zombies that had been turning their attention towards now fleeing figure. She managed to run a fairly long way, far enough that it felt safe to stop and take a rest. Shivering and gasping for breath the young girl sank into the snow. Her usually fair skin now alarmingly pale, her lips practically blue and her entire body shivering as she tried to regain her breath and warm herself up. The large, oversized waxed jacket she wore was soaked, even as waterproof as it usually was. And then she heard the car. Her breath caught as the definite sounds of a moving vehicle began getting louder. It was moving towards her. Glancing around, her vision going momentarily blurry as it was, she caught sight of a couple of dead still shambling through the woods either side of her. Her limbs felt heavy as stones as she managed to force herself to her feet, her backpack felt like it weighed a ton as she began to stumble her way slowly through the trees.