There was a pause as Astrid's attention finally turned from Grey to the speaking NPC. Or was it a real person now? Or was she fake and they were fake and now everything was fake? Maybe this was a really terrible dream? Finally she narrowed her eyes, and focused in on Marcus, mostly to toss back wisecracks. [color=00a99d]"I see you're still gathering dust here."[/color] Astrid said, eyes hidden beneath that fabric she wore over her eyes. [color=00a99d]"And banishment? Why I barely recall it. At best I remember a formal letter I sent."[/color] [i]"It was very rude..."[/i] One of the guardsman muttered softly, but loud enough for the banished Witchblade to hear. [i]"You sent what looked like a man deficating himself."[/i] [color=00a99d]"It was a winky face."[/color] Astrid hissed right back, with a little disappointment in her tone. Well, could be worse... They could have kept and framed the note. Which she was sure later down the line she'd very well find if she stuck around. "Anyway, Marcus, is it? You'd very well be surprised what ends up being the fault of 'Lord Greyedout.'" She added a little trill to her voice, as if that was the only way to say it without bursting into laughter. As the angel, Miss RuininRed, spoke about changes, Astrid couldn't help but think about her weapon. Something about it... It's living status, the fact that in lore is slowly worked to sap the soul from the player... And that it needed to kill or it'd devour the players soul. Thankfully animals counted, but for how long? [color=00a99d]"Miss Ruined in Beige, was it?"[/color] Astrid said, taking a step closer to the seraph. [color=00a99d]"That's a very good observation, but I think one more tangible question lies ahead of us, that I think none of us are asking yet. If we're feeling such changes, we cannot be the only ones. And whats more, the world outside. Is it all there still? Is this merely an isolated incident?"[/color] She turned to look at Grey, as if to silently tell him that this world they knew so well, YGGDRASIL, could very well be more dangerous than ever. New rules, maybe? Before she could inquire further, the doors burst open, and in stepped more of the same. Loud voices. Louder NPCs, and louder troubles. Listening to all of Claudius' shouting, all Astrid could feel motivated to do was clap her hands together. [color=00a99d]"Ah yes. Claudius, and Dolton. How are the twins? Still causing their own set of troubles, or devoting themselves to the pious arts?"[/color] She half expected to find herself on the whipping end of some grand rant. Something about wearing such dark and miserable clothing, or maybe something about how she should be executed for returning from her banishment. [color=00a99d]"At the very least stop shouting... This room was designed for grand speeches, not bickering."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Lizard man, calm yourself... We're in my brother's throne room. Bickering with his subjects is both a waste of your time, and mine. They're so pious and dedicated to their roles that not even I could sway one of them to leave with me."[/color] Astrid snapped her fingers at Kharne, as if to draw his attention to her. [color=00a99d]"We're guests, and the tempers around here are like candles."[/color] "As if I brave soldier of our guild would listen to a betrayer! You were a champion once, and then you listened to the seductive lies of that sword." [color=00a99d]"Oh shut up, I'm not up for roleplaying right now."[/color] Astrid snapped, leaving that poor knight to wonder just what roleplaying was.