Well, it was worth a shot. He raised his hands and stepped away from Aeryn after that to show he meant no harm, since she was obviously uncomfortable with his presence- perhaps he'd been a bit too forward? Much as he hated the thought of leaving the conversation on such an implicitly sour note, he reckoned he'd said enough for now. Best to just remain a priest for the time being, perhaps. Instead, he mulled over what Argon and Geradin had told him. From the sound of things, Argon hadn't chosen to be a fighter at all, but had instead found himself a slave gladiator for a time, and gone from there after finding his freedom. And as for the dwarf, well, "the most grim god" certainly implied that adherence to Ragnarok's tenets involved a lot of violence. Both good to know, then - the dwarf fought by choice, the lizard because he'd never known differently. The village they consequently approached was, for want of a better word, quaint. Apparently, its inhabitants were also rather naive, if they imagined the Southlands would be so kind to them without a wall to hide behind. But at least they were armed, with crossbows, which were being pointed at them... oh boy. Sett really wanted to hide away from those, but as the priest of the group, he felt obligated to try and talk to these people. Slowly, he stepped slightly ahead of the group, hands raised again in supplication... that was becoming a theme today, apparently. 'My friends, I greet you most graciously,' he spoke, already slipping into the charismatic and priestly tones he was so used to utilising in his church. 'Be not afraid, for we are but weary and humble travellers through these lands, and all told quite agreeable to those who would be our friends and acquaintances. If it would not trouble you, sirs and ladies, I might ask that you be so kind as to allow us to partake of what your abode has to offer, for we have spent many a night in peril, and seek only shelter and refreshment in a land that is distressingly short of both.' Hopefully, that would tug on some heartstrings. Hopefully, his own would not be damaged in any way during his speech, those crossbows could be viciously destructive. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen][@Stormflyx]