Piero sat down. He listened carefully to what Michelle was saying, up to the point where she proposed physician-assisted suicide. He felt his heart skip a beat, and a piercing, continuous pain like a sharp blade slowly entering his chest till it stopped at the handle. His buzz vanished in a second, his head extremely lucid and completely blank at the same time. [color=f7941d][i]What now? Do I really have a choice? She hasn’t offered any other option, so that must be it. I... am I ready?[/i][/color] Piero stood there for what felt like hours to him, and in just a minute his head was completely flooded. He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t feel like he had a choice. Chiara had to die. All kinds of thoughts began forming in his mind, memories, resentment, pity, regret, hate, and love. But one pounding question kept repeating itself, and it was what bothered and disturbed him the most: [color=f7941d][i]Is it going to be an act driven by hate and resentment, or by love and regret?[/i][/color] He opened his eyes, and tried to stand up but his hands and legs wouldn’t stop trembling. He then made eye contact with Michelle, and saw kindness and concern, and was caught by an ever so slightly calming feeling, providing him with the push he needed to even open his mouth and speak. [color=f7941d][i]She’s genuine. [/i][/color] Piero made up his mind. He clenched his hands into fists and his body visibly tensed up, trying to overcome the painful mixture of emotions. [color=f7941d]”Fine. It doesn’t sound like a routine procedure, so you must have offered it for a reason. If you think it is the best and most humane option, I will trust you. But please, can I talk about it with her? I don’t want you to tell her, it has to be me. I can at least spare you this suffering.”[/color] He said, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, trying to hide any emotion but visibly near to tearing up. [color=f7941d][i]I just want to scream.[/i][/color]