Flashback: Helston.[hr][indent][color=silver]“[i]Do you have everything?[/i]” An old, husky voice asked after having managed up the stairs with slow, heavy steps. Amelia knew that anything of value was within her possessions, but chose not to answer. The man leaned against the frame of the doorway leading into her room of the house. It had been Amelia’s home ever since she was born, for better and worse. “[i]Amelia--[/i]” “[color=#d9a470]Save it,[/color]” the girl interrupted. The man brooded for a moment, contemplating all that was and all that would be after this day. Every ride had an end. The only thing a man could do was to choose how it would end. This man had made his choices, just as Amelia had made hers. “[i]So, that’s it? Everything just ends here?[/i]” He finally spoke again after having observed the girl pack her things neatly into a U.D.F. issued seabag. “[color=#d9a470]There is no ‘everything’. You lied to me and you drove her to madness. There is nothing, literally nothing that you can say that will fix any of this,[/color]” Amelia said. The man remained silent. He knew that she was right, but as with all good things coming to an end, those on the side of despair always try to hang on. After a while, when Amelia had finished packing her bag, standing head to head with the man blocking the doorway, he spoke again. It seemed as though he had accepted this fate. He only had one request. “[i]At least deliver a message to my son, if you find him.[/i]” Amelia was expressionless, deep under on her medication, but did not resist. “[i]Tell him to come home. That’s it. No strings attached,[/i]” the man said and backed away from the doorway, so that Amelia could pass through. While she was disappointed and distraught, she was not heartless. “[color=#d9a470]I will,[/color]" she nodded and left.[/color][/indent] Present: U.D.F. Headquarters, Oakridge.[hr][indent][color=silver][i]Geez, what's with this guy?[/i] Amelia thought to herself. It was not too often that Amelia encountered someone of Livrian descent. He could also have been south Ceacrian, but she doubted it. Either way, he seemed agitated about something. The big entrance, throwing his things around, dashing towards the books as if the world was coming to a boring end—maybe he did not want to be here for whatever reason. Amelia subtly observed him, but could not help to roll her eyes. It was not until he sat down and his spirits began to appear that she put two and two together. He was probably here for the same reason that Amelia was, which she did not actually know, but she was not about to ask this guy. The shapes that his spirits took were fascinating, though, as some of them were similar to hers. It was not too often that Amelia saw someone of Livrian descent. He could also have been south Ceacrian, but she doubted it. Either way, he seemed agitated about something. The big entrance, throwing his things around, dashing towards the books as if the world was coming to a boring end—maybe he did not want to be here for whatever reason. Amelia subtly observed him, but could not help to roll her eyes. It was not until he sat down and his spirits began to appear that she put two and two together. He was probably here for the same reason that Amelia was, which she did not actually know, but she was not about to ask this guy. The shapes that his spirits took were fascinating, though, as some of them were similar to hers. Guest after guest just seemed to drop in. The next one made an even louder entrance. Boys will be boys, she thought to herself. Amelia just prayed that the two would not start some kind of pissing contest, like the guys did back home in Helston about everything. The last one to arrive seemed especially hot headed, having managed to say both bitch and fuck within a matter of moments. Amelia crossed her arms and sighed. The older looking guy was right. What were they even waiting for? She assumed all of this had something to do with the Guardian thing, whatever it was supposed to mean. Amelia had never given much thought to spirits and such. The typical gift offering and prayer was just something she did because everyone else did it. But, perhaps it was not meaningless. Perhaps whatever this U.D.F. circus was would show some kind of purpose to it all. “[color=#d9a470]Do any of you know why we’re here? They didn’t say much,[/color]” Amelia asked. [/color][/indent]