Cs Name: Kai Gender: Male Species: Human Age: 16 Room Number: Rooming With: Alignment: Chaotic Good Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/4f/5a/0d4f5ac792fa8325aa635ef4857ea4a2.jpg[/img] Personality: Kai is confident arrogant with a strong sense of justice and duty he very confident in his abilities but he is aslo carful and good at remaining calm in almost any situation he loves adventure and enjoys fighting as it gives him the chance to test out his inventions and figure out new ways to upgrade and improve then Bio: Power 1: Tecopath Power 2: Nanite Manipulation Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: His 6 combat drones Other: the rings around his drones are a highly advanced piece of tech that allows him to control the drones they also surve as their main weapons by harness the oxygen in the air as well as electricity and liquid nitrogen to produce a verity or attacks they also have built in cameras that link to the monitor in his eye lady allowing him to see what they see