Verelik laughed at Lee's comment. [color=39b54a]"You hear that, Dillan? Respect your elders, that includes Lee right beside you!"[/color] He began to walk through the gates. As he paced through, he spoke again. [color=39b54a]"You'll get whatever I find in the forest, if I get anything at all. Don't worry, I will."[/color] He stepped outside the settlement and waved the guards off with his hand without looking back, before disappearing into the treeline. The forest was Verelik's second home. Tracking, navigation, anything survival was his forte. He had been in these forests before, though he had not gotten used to them again, not after the move. As he stepped through the brush, carefully placing his feet in areas lacking branches, he pulled his neck mask over his mouth. This was a simple tactic for Verelik, because he knew animals could hear his breathing from a mile away, though most would assume it was some kind of stealth maneuver. In a way it was, but not in the way they would think. Verelik had journeyed until the faint sound of the settlement's clock tower rang. Right on cue, he spotted the tracks of a Deer. The soft tracks that maneuvered around bushes indicated it wasn't in a hurry, so Verelik slowed to a stop, knowing it would hear him make the slightest of sounds. Following the tracks, he eventually spotted it, resting in an open grove between some trees. Looking at it closer, he discovered it was rather an Elk. This of course could be confused with a deer when it is simply walking, as they share very similar tracks. One could easily identify an Elk if it was running, however. He inched closer to a lip of the hill he was on, so he overlooked the grove. So far he remained unseen, though he knew literally anything he did that involved sound or smell would attract it. He carefully slung his rifle off his shoulder, and held his thumb over the safety. He listened for a few seconds, and... [i]Click![/i] He timed the safety click with a nearby bird's chirp. He would normally never worry about the sound, but at this distance, you could never be too safe. At this point, his kill was guaranteed. Verelik aimed his sights down at the grove, got steady, and watched his Elk lie motionless on the grass. He let his cross-hairs float over the Elk's head a few times, before feeling confident. Once the Elk turned its head to the side from him, he pulled the trigger, and the Elk slumped to the ground. This way no shrapnel could enter the edible parts of the meat. Verelik approached the silent body of the Elk. He immediately cleaned the entrance wounds and dropped his bag. No longer caring about sound, he ruffled through his bag and pulled out rope, which he used to tie the legs of the Elk with, along with a small tarp. This basically acted like a sled of sorts, so he could just drag it all the way home. Almost two hours after leaving town, Verelik reached the final hill, where he could see the walls of the settlement. He took a breath and sighed. [color=39b54a][i]Time to get back home.[/i][/color]