[right][b]Chodak[/b][/right] [hr] Chodak bowed his head at the receptionist, who gave him a somewhat quizzical look, as he handed over the card that he had been given. He had done his best to remain away from the notice of the U.D.F. He knew what they'd ask of him, they'd ask him to fight. Take life, though that was something he would not do. He wouldn't perpetuate the cycle of violence and destruction, but he would seek an end to it. There was always more than one side to every story. She checked him into the system before looking back at him. "Sorry sir, we don't appear to have your last name on file, what is it?" Chodak smiled back politely and shrugged. "I don't have one. That would imply a level of attatchment that doesn't fit with my position." The receptionist merely nodded, and indicated down the hall. He turned and walked with the escorts. His bare feet on the ground didn't feel the cold of the smooth floors, but he in his full robes and bald bar a long ponytail did get quizzical looks from the few people they passed in the halls. To each he bowed his head respectfully. One or two obviously recognising him as an Idallin Monk and nodded back out of respected. To those he also greeted with a smile. He couldn't blame anyone for their stares or their questioning eyebrows, he was out of place surrounded by these uniforms. He had been out of place from the moment he had entered the city, he wasn't fond of the experience. People had detatched themselves from nature, the very place they came from and the lifeblood of their world. A world, ironically, that they sought to protect. He particularly disliked the elevator, a hanging metal box detatched from all sources of earth. He could feel the spirits within him churning at the sensation, they were all connected to the element as was he. Chodak had spent years in the mountains meditating on the very ground that he sat upon. Now he was suddenly detatched, and he had to say he hated the sensation. He was much happier when they reached the floor and he stepped out, the guards indicated to a door. He clasped his hands and bowed his thanks to them. As he walked to the room he closed his eyes, a smile crossing his face. From what he could tell he wasn't the only one here, and the room ahead was spectacular. Entering the room Chodak surveyed the other inhabitants, again nodding his head politely. Then without a second thought he walked over to one of the grass features in the room, stepping lightly onto it. He felt a slight tingle run up from his feet as he was once again connected to something natural and alive, rather than manmade. Smiling he sat cross legged facing the room. He didn't speak, someone would speak to him when the time was right. If he had to guess from their odd assortment of clothes, not one of them was U.D.F, and likely all of them had just recieved summons such as him. What was going on?