[h2]Dirk Messir - Not Mushroom[/h2] 'I'll keep to MY own self,' I declare, 'when YOUR self has self indulge selves. And then there'll people get will bitten. I tried to help,' he said slowly. Some people just won't get any smart ideas. [i]Like you. You lack smart ideas.[/i] [i]That's right Stupid! You're a moron Retard! Nobody likes you Dumbass![/i] 'Hneeeeeeeeeh.' That was partly due to sadness, also but also but partly there was also a powersmell. Like drinking, but less good. Blarg. No, bad alcohol. No, he should. Yes, that's a good idea. Divine Purpose Agrees, so that does that. 'I need the drank,' Dirk muttered, stepping to Drunksword and... wait, no, he wasn't Swordsword, he was some drunk guy with Swordsword's sword. Okay. Anyway he is the source of the powerhol, and that Dirk doesn't want his captain to be too drunk, otherwise how could the drunk sailor be that the man who commands a ship? I can't sail when I'm drunk, and he'll die if he fell off the boat. So basically, he wanted the holohol, and he had to dispose of the. It had to goat. The seas fish can eat it and not die. [i]Excellent Plan Dirk! This Is Going To Go Wonderfully![/i]