[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180413/233b3d4406ba74b3d0473f9fd9c5c847.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180413/3caddd0a763debdc3dfd71a7d7034de3.png[/img] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/2ldyc0y.png[/IMG] Vanya turned around to see where the voice came from. With heavy eyelids and dark circles under his eyes, he dragged his gaze up at the tall individual that had addressed him and paused. [color=pink]"Uhm- did you- you 're talking to… Me?"[/color] Vanya pointed his index finger at his own face with a questioning look. There was a hand stretched out in front of him, and Vanya had to remind himself that this was the normal way to greet people in the outside world. [color=pink]"Oh, right. The hand-"[/color] Vanya grabbed the boy's hand and shook it eagerly. [color=pink]"I'm called Vanya. And isn't this supposed to be everybody's first day? I'm not [i]that[/i] late, am I?"[/color] He chuckled. [color=pink]"Oh, that's a pretty bracelet you got there."[/color] He said causually as he pulled back his hand. What could have been the start of a longer conversation was interrupted by one of the teachers. He went on and on and on about some rather tiresome information, before ending his presentation with the rooming situation list. [color=pink]"2 o' 7 a…"[/color] Vanya made an effort to remember this number. [color=pink]"Two people and the seven mother's of Gaea- that's, I should be able to remember-"[/color] He muttered to himself, before looking at the guy he'd just spoken to. [color=pink]"Wasn't that- that's your name too, right? I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then."[/color] He said smiling. [hider=Mentions] [@Oooie] [/hider] [/center]