[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/B9hdqRn.png[/img] Level One Hero Two Prestige [img]https://i.imgur.com/o5T6T0Q.png[/img][/centre] Newygnong let the Vyer drop from her mandibles, the massive corruptor worm's carapace crushed and useless, its corruptions oozing out. Newygnong did not feed on the Vyer - she was not dumb, she knew what the flesh of these things could do. But she did not permit them to simply ooze into the earth either. She laced the corpse and the ground around it in acids and enzymes that would break the corruption down back into its most basic elements. And from there, it would only benefit serve as good food for creatures and fertiliser. Nearby she came upon the creature's eggs, and laced them in the acids too. Newygnong was not satisfied, however. She had seen her creator's form, she had seen the form of her crimson-haired [s]mother[/s] (but she was not her mother, because Newgnong was ugly and was not worthy), seen even the delicate and elegant form of little Dwynen; she had seen the centaurs and the humans that had erupted into being, and she had seen the mindless creatures that she so resembled. She did not like it. She wanted to resemble higher beings, to be beautiful. She wanted to become her mother's child. She stalked the man, the man her mother had spoken to as she spread the golden mists across the world. Watched his movements, the strength of his form (nothing before her own strength, of course, but there was something alluring about it, something essentially superior). She ventured from the forests and searched the Citadel, looked in the shadows and was confronted by creatures of darkness. She escaped from them, naturally, but not before she took note that they too had the perfect form. Not slithering or crawling, but humanoid. In the first forest, she hunted Vyer with a fury and brooded glumly over her state. She never should have been created in this form. It was wrong. It was a punishment. [indent][i]But you're beautiful as you are. You are as you're meant to be.[/i][/indent] The spirits whispered. They were wrong. She would be as she [i]wished[/i] to be. She would shed this form one day, and she would be truly beautiful. And her mother would love her. [hider=Summary]Newygnong carries out her duties, hunting out Larwen's corruption. But she is sad - she wants to be accepted and loved by her mother. So she wants to become humanoid. Two Prestige earned. Four Prestige total.[/hider]