[quote=@Orixi] [hider=Ava] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=teal][center]Ava[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/v7r429.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=teal][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [indent][b][color=teal]Name:[/color][/b]Ava, her parents never mentioned a surname. [b][color=teal]Aliases:[/color][/b]Hey you, various derogatory names. [b][color=teal]Gender:[/color][/b]Female [b][color=teal]Age:[/color][/b]28 [b][color=teal]Race/Ethnicity:[/color][/b]Mixed race, most likely caucasian and some sort of mediterranean or european descent. [b][color=teal]Place of Origin:[/color][/b]Dall [b][color=teal]Occupation:[/color][/b]Tinkerer, scrapper/forager, “healer” [/indent] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=teal][center]Character Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [indent][color=teal][b]Height:[/b][/color]5'6” [color=teal][b]Weight:[/b][/color]150lbs [color=teal][b]General Appearance:[/b][/color] Ava stands at an average height but bears the build of someone who has never quite been fed enough for the amount of manual labour she's done, slender, gaunt, but physically capable. Her hair barely touches the tops of her ears, obviously cut by herself, quite uneven, unkempt, and generally brushed out of her face with a layer of grime. She could be considered attractive, with her angular facial features, olive skintone, green eyes and pitch black hair, but the amount of dirt covering her from day to day tends to drive most suitors the other way. The most prominent feature on her, besides her constant scowl, is a stark white scar that runs from ear to ear, crossing dangerously close under her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. Her body is littered with scars, cuts and bruises in varying states of healing, mostly focused on her hands and forearms; two of her fingers on her right hand are missing, her pinky in its entirety and her ring finger from the second knuckle. [color=teal][b]Day To Day Attire:[/b][/color]Whatever is the most likely not to get caught in whatever she's trying to tinker with, generally dirty and torn pants/shirt, she cares little for appearance. [color=teal][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Making something out of nothing, she's constantly looking for and holding on to random scraps of other things to fix what she can, always seeing the use in what other people generally consider garbage. [*]Herbalism/medicine knowledge, she can clean your wounds, stitch you up and make you something that will make you feel better, from her constant exploration and delving into old world locations she figured out how to heal someone up pretty quickly. [*]Survival Skills, living outside the city changes a person, she can easily live off of the land and can hold her own in combat due to her upbringing. [*]Technophile, her greatest love and pursuit is old world relics and artifacts, anything she finds she studies intently to understand how it works and how to replicate it. She seems to be able to understand how old world tech works very easily. [/list] [color=teal][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Lacks tact, she's not the greatest people person. Her disdain for the “easy city life” causes her to look down on a lot of people if they can't take care of themselves, her choice of words tends to ruffle a lot of feathers from its bluntness. [*]Extreme dislike of the established monarchy and guild system, believes its exploiting people and cares little about following its rules and expectations. [*]Unnerved/wary of magic users due to the lack of explanation on how magic works and who gets 'chosen' to be one. [*]Fear of magical fire and being trapped in a burning building. A panic will grip her if she sees a magician use it naturally and has reoccuring nightmares since childhood. [/list] [/indent] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=teal][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [indent] [b][color=teal]Items Of Note:[/color][/b] Basic leather armour made out of scraps, well made but old and extremely worn backpack, various belt pouches and pockets for her growing collection of scrap, survival and medical supplies, a crude metal necklace that has charred finger bones and teeth dangling from it. [list] [*] [b][color=teal]Walking Spear[/color][/b] A well crafted metal spear, the material is extremely lightweight but very durable. Made perfectly for her height to double as a walking stick when needed. The tip is extremely long and visciously pointed and kept polished clean. [*] [b][color=teal]Spyglass[/color][/b] A crude, but still functional metal tube with a well polished lense of glass at one end that allows her to see farther than a person normally would be able to. [*] [b][color=teal]Survival Kit[/color][/b] Contains a bedroll, waterskin, flint and tinder, rations, caltrops, 50ft of rope. [*] [b][color=teal]Medicine Pouch[/color][/b] Contains scraps of cloth, needle and thread, random bits of medicinal herbs, an old world stapler and scalpel. [/list] [/indent] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=teal][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [indent] Born on the city outskirts, her parents were very poor, especially after being blacklisted from the guilds for black market sales and fake artifacts. While her parents gave her what they could, Ava learned from a young age she would need to rely on herself for nearly anything she would need. Tasked with foraging what she could from various garbage piles and discarded items from the main city, she began tinkering and crafting from a very young age, making anything and everything she could that might prove some use. Shortly after her tenth birthday, a neighbouring child discovered his affinity for magic, his untrained abilities manifesting in a great ball of fire, utterly disintegrating her family home and charring her parents, leaving not much more than a few bones and teeth behind. Ava fashioned what was left of them into a necklace to remind herself of the dangers of these magic users, untamed and wild, even though some claimed to have some sort of mastery upon it. Her days are generally spent exploring the wilds, venturing farther into the old world buildings than most would dare to. Her fascination with the Broken drives her further and further in, searching for relics and artifacts and one day the ability to capture a broken and take it apart, piece by piece to see how it functions. She's fairly well known around town or at least mildly recognized, especially in the poorer areas as someone you can go to for help with fixing a number of things or to get cleaned up after a fight. Use of her services requires not coin in exchange, unless that is all you have, but generally other items and specific pieces she needs for her next crafting venture. She is also decently well known by the town guard as someone to keep an eye on, her penchant for back alley deals and vocal displeasure with the way things are done around the city has put a bit of a target on her head. Having been recently caught selling illegaly, again, she had three options; lose more digits, go to jail, or volunteer to go on an excursion the king was organizing into the depths of the old world, an option only held available to her due to her reputation as someone who understand the old world. She jumped at the chance for exploration, despite technically working under the king, as long as it meant the possibilites of finding technology or other old world artifacts that she held so dear, besides, she doesn't have to tell them everything she finds. The possibility of death looming in her near future seemed far better than rotting in a cell. [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Ava is accepted, welcome to the party! Feel free to move her over to the Characters tab.