[centre][h1][color=f7941d]A Goddess Creates[/color][/h1][/centre] [list][*][hider=Laughter] 1 Miracle When Sebna first made Seihdhara laugh, all beings in the world were taught laughter and joy. As Seihdhara emerged into the world crying and then laughed, she has become known as [color=f7941d][i]Whose Beginning Is Tears and Teaches Laughter[/i][/color]. This, ironically and arguably and in Seihdhara's philosophy, applies to war also. [/hider] [*][hider=The Immortality of a Faery] 1 Miracle Dwynyn brought joy to Seihdhara's heart, so the goddess granted the faery immortality and took her for a companion. [/hider] [*][hider=The Taming of a Millipede and the Satiation of its Hunger] 2 Miracles When Kiko gave Newygnong to Seihdhara, she was a raving, ever-hungering thing. Seihdhara calmed Newygnong and satiated her hunger. [/hider] [*][hider=The Bug is Hero of the God] 1 Might Newygnog, the giant millipede given by Kiko to Seihdhara, is made into a hero and commanded to go forth and hunt out all the corruptions Larwen brings into the world. [/hider] [*][hider=Ye Three Are Gi'en Prowess in Battle] 1 Might The heroes of Promus, Azazael, Makaizael, and Halazael, are blessed by Seihdhara with martial prowess. This also gives their wings a reddish hue and makes their hair flame-red. [/hider] [*][hider=That Everything May Know Life and May Live] 1 Might: Seihdhara takes an enormous number of souls from Kap Gam's Ley and places souls in everything that exists - rocks, trees, animals, streams, mountains. These spirits can be communicated with and, in due time, may be the basis of powerful spirit magicks. [/hider] [*][hider=An Accidental Sullying]2 Might Seihdhara created two subspecies of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4638755]Fae[/url], the Sullied and the Unsullied. Their speech is strange, not emanating from their throats, but reverberating through the very air. It is percieved both through mental and audial means. Generally, more powerful Sullied and Unsullied are larger and 'adult' in appearance, while lesser ones appear young. They appear to be deathless, capable of choosing the moment of their dissipation and return into the earth as spirits that another may rise again. The manner of their birth is purely magical - a powerful 'adult' simply 'wills' a soul to take on the physical shape of a Sullied or Unsullied. [indent]The Sullied [indent]The Sullied emerged first, created accidentally by Seihdhara. The first of them was Asula who escaped before Seihdhara could destroy her and is now considered the foremost Queen of the Sullied. In her wake hundreds and thousands of smaller Sullied were birthed. The Sullied are generally more likely to manifest non-human features and, beyond retaining wings and maintaining a generally humanoid form, are extremely diverse. Unlike the Unsullied, both male and female Sullied have wings. The Sullied are predisposed towards mischief and mayhem, and some may exhibit extreme sadism and cruelty. At the same time, they may at times carry out arbitrary acts of kindness or reward those who please them - likewise, they may well punish those who help them, displaying ungratefulness and uncaringness. Though in a state of war with their Unsullied cousins, the Sullied do plant forests and help rivers and lakes to develop - not out of any kindness per se, they do it in the same way humans build cities and grand structures: to live, as a mark of their civilisation, to establish kingdoms and domains. Rivers and forests erected by Sullied will generally harbour more malevolent forces - the spirits are likely to be unfriendly, there are likely to be dangerous creatures, diseases, noxious fumes, and so on. Sullied display exceptional martial prowess and appear to be rather attuned with spirits, capable of manipulating or making them do their bidding. [hider=Example Images][img]http://www.lomion.de/cmm/img/spriunfa.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/V6ujmm2.jpg?1[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/c0/40/31c0406c4689a5ff8d67a7bf8cf06279.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/8f/e1/438fe1b8ed3dcc508076c622be010f5b.jpg[/img] [img]https://masterofhorrormovies.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/fairy.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/232/504/large/artur-mosca-scary-fairy.jpg?1489509172[/img] [img]http://cache.krop.com/robbliss-4eeb487bf55545.jpg[/img] [img]http://cache.krop.com/robbliss-4eeb487ff5554a.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent] The Unsullied [indent]Created by Seihdhara to counteract the Sullied she had accidentally created, the Sullied were intended to be benign. Insofar as they are more predisposed towards kindness than their Sullied cousins, this is true, but the Unsullied are far from being the pure, innocent creatures their appearance belies. Tending towards human appearances, particularly children, the Sullied have a deceptively tame appearance - for they have the same capacity for cruelty as their cousins. However, they tend not to pursue chaos and mayhem quite as earnestly, and are more likely to repay kindness with kindness and carry out random acts of generosity for no apparent reason. Male Unsullied do not have wings, but still have the capacity to fly. Led by the warrior Brentylwith who wields the mighty sword Seihdhos, as well as their first-mothers Eirgwyn and Dichdorka, they are embroiled in constant war with the Sullied. Unlike the Sullied, they are not quite so adept in the martial ways, but that is the reason they were gifted with Seihdhos. Their command over spirits is just as great as that of the Sullied. [hider=Example Images] [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-F-fxmYNXa20/V0MArK7PONI/AAAAAAAAU1E/hT_5XKcQgMwc_miRZVpV82usBuI1m5yZwCLcB/s400/streetfaerie.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.lomion.de/cmm/img/sprisefa.gif[/img] [img]http://cache.krop.com/robbliss-538a3aa517aaa24.jpg[/img] [img]http://cache.krop.com/robbliss-4eeb4cadf555a1.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yk0ecB0.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XdOvfXI_Fr8/TbzSp3wuz6I/AAAAAAAADvM/7oEnpypJwIE/s1600/dulac_elves.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c9/37/e7/c937e722c7c3d1b23b3b8614632501da.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7f/f2/94/7ff29432d261bfee66c469d442f3d7fd.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent][/indent][/hider] [*][hider=A Sword, A Sword]2 Might The First Warsword; Seihdhos Sword of Victory. This mighty divine weapon was created by Seihdhara and gifted to the Unsullied Fae King, Brentylwith, that he may battle the forces of the Sullied. It is intricately crafted and is as deadly as it is beautiful. It cannot harm its wielder and doubles as a an axe also. Whoever wields it, amongst other things, is given unparalleled martial prowess and is almost guaranteed victory. Its pommel has a bear head (rather than the eagle head displayed in the image below). [hider=Image][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/085/478/large/1b.jpg?1401430015[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/085/480/large/4b.jpg?1401430023[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/87/44/74/87447413a62e06c4a429386b113e74c0--swords-phoenix.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [*][hider=From Divine Innards]2 Miracles When Seihdhara consumed a Goldari, she didn't like it and vomited it up. With her vomit there emerged tiny creatures, called Yskilg, that thrive on corruption; consuming it, breaking it down to its most fundamental parts, and then ejecting it as healthy foodstuff for other creatures. Not all the corruption is broken down, however, the indigestible parts are stored in a small pocked on each individual Yskilg's back. This is a potent poison, and so any creature that consumes an Yskilg without first removing the pocket will swiftly die. The Yskilg are a bright crimson in colour, though the pocket is pure black.[/hider] [*][hider=Blood-heads][sub][i]Creation - 2 Might[/i][/sub] [centre]Blood-heads [img]https://i.imgur.com/gKLT8aA.jpg?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/81LLdTj.jpg?2[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/HGfaTYB.jpg?1[/img][/centre] [b]Name[/b]: [indent]The Blood-heads[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]Souls blessed by Seihdhara's ichor as she burned. Approximately one in every million souls is a Blood-head. These individuals, wherever they happen to be, defend the defenceless and wage relentless war against vice. While Blood-heads have an affinity for each other, the Blood-heads are not truly a 'holy order', but are more a series of blessed individuals. Some communities may have no more than one or two Blood-heads, while others may host tens, if not over a hundred, which form into Packs (5-10 Blood-heads), Troops (10-40 Blood-heads) or Hordes (40+ Blood-heads). The only unique distinguishing feature of Blood-heads is their shock of crimson hair, their namesake. A Blood-head may be born with their crimson hair and great powers, or they may become active at a later point in their life. No matter the colouration of their hair before their blessing is activated, they will eventually begin to sprout red hair. Wielding whatever weapons are available to their communities, Blood-heads unceasingly seek to prove their martial prowess through acts of valour against all who make it their business to bring harm wherever they go. Whether by actively eliminating threats on the offensive or besting foes while defending their communities, battling for righteousness is where any Blood-head is most at home. Fiercely independent by nature, Blood-heads will actively dissipate and avoid forming permanent units with hierarchies once their duties in a particular community are over. Blood-heads are usually individually warriors of impressive skill, attaining and retaining a base level of expertise that puts them on the level of veteran warriors rather easily due to Seihdhara's ichor running in their blood and souls. Those who train diligently despite Seihdhara's blessings and are active in seeking out foes to challenge and defeat will no doubt be capable of considerable feats. Blood-heads do not wield any special magics beyond the norm for their communities or species. While their forte is physical martial combat, individual Blood-heads are not in any way inhibited from becoming as skillful magickers as any.[/indent] [b]Appearance[/b]: [indent]Beyond their crimson hair, the Blood-heads have no distinguishing features. They dress as they please and armour themselves as each individual feels appropriate. Along with the red hair, however, each Blood-head has the [url=https://i.imgur.com/pg7x0TW.png?2]Sign of the Warrior[/url] on the back of their left hand. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/03/2d/8e/032d8e1050eaf259e1440a4d7705065f--native-american-art-native-art.jpg]War-masks[/url] appear to be of great significance to Blood-heads, and it is not unusual to find particularly powerful Blood-heads donning a wooden mask they have carved. These masks represent, it appears, an aspect of the War Goddess, and while donning it they believe they are empowered and become akin to conduits for the Goddess, channelling the aspect of her captured by the war-mask. The warmask created from Seihdhara's true face, known as the Warface, is much sought after by the Blood-heads. It floats in the Flame Eternal atop Mount Pervanon and, once donned by a Blood-head, brings the true aspect of Seihdhara the War Goddess into the world. However, this mask cannot be worn for longer periods and inevitably cripples or causes the death of the one who dons.[/indent][/hider][/list]