[center][color=turquoise][h2]Mililani Kekoa[/h2][h3]May 7th, Norilsk, Russia[/h3][/color][/center] [@Cerces22] [i]I wish it was easy and exciting as day one, when we were bright eyed and filled with wonder.[/i] Mililani could relate to those words more than Liz knew. She sighed as she watched the bouncy girl try again, just as full of enthusiasm as she herself had been when she'd first caught her Cutiefly. Her heart ached for her other Pokemon. Did they think she'd forgotten about them, their unwavering loyalty repaid with abandonment? [color=turquoise]"I know,"[/color] she replied with a solemn nod. It seemed so much colder when she thought about things like this, youthful dreams versus harsh truths. [color=turquoise]"I know they will. I j-just hope they don't get let down too harshly."[/color] At the sound of a hauntingly beautiful howl, she stared ahead. Her breath caught. Before the group stood a Pokemon that had once been worshipped as a deity in Alola, a Ninetales. Mililani kept her distance. Calm as Ice-type Ninetales were, it wasn't a good idea to provoke them. As both Pokemon disappeared into the distance, Sergeant Solokov announced it truly was time to go back. [color=turquoise]"At least the V-Vulpix has its mother around,"[/color] Mililani commented. [color=turquoise]"M-Maybe it isn't ready to be caught just yet. Well, Ohanna, let's get going."[/color] Ohanna's attention wasn't on the foxes, but on another Lucario, the one belonging to the swordsman. Her eyes narrowed, her fur bristling, as she stood between her trainer and the other Fighting type. Mililani ignored the looks of distrust both the trainer and his Lucario gave her. She knew she wasn't exactly the most approachable person, but putting a wall between herself and others was better than taking the risk of letting them in... wasn't it? Once everyone arrived back at the headquarters, Mililani sank into a chair, thankful for the warmth. It wasn't long before a fire was set crackling in the hearth, and she leaned closer to the blaze. The sooner the group left Russia, the better. [hider=Mililani][b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [list][*]Primarina ♀ (Naia), lv34 [*]Comfey ♂ (Liko), lv34 [*]Lucario ♀ (Ohanna), lv34 [*]Oricorio ♀ (Palila), lv34 [*]Drampa ♂ (Aouli), lv34 [*]Alolan Marowak ♂ (Keahi), lv34[/list] [b]Items:[/b][/hider] [hr] [center][color=forestgreen][h2]Ryan Harrell[/h2][h3]May 7th, Norilsk, Russia[/h3][/color][/center] [@Cerces22] [@Zarkun] After the goth girl's second attempt failed, Ryan stepped over to give her a pro tip or two - he'd been the only successful one so far, after all. He opened his mouth to say something, then stood rooted to the spot at the sight of an Alolan Ninetales. An even more majestic sight in real life than in the games. Before he or anyone else could observe it for long, both foxes turned and left. [color=forestgreen]"You might want to try taking it a little more slowly next time,"[/color] he told the girl while on the way back. [color=forestgreen]"At least those Pokeballs haven't gone to waste."[/color] Although ready to keel over by the time he stepped inside, he was still brimming with elation. He had his own Pokemon. His own real live Pokemon. Keeping some distance from the fire one of the assistants began to set up - a Grass type might get nervous if too close to it - he pulled the Pokeball from his pocket and pressed the button. Red light formed a mushroom shape, then faded to reveal the Foongus. The little red and white Pokemon turned this way and that on its stalk, taking in its new surroundings. Ryan crouched down, grinning even though his legs nearly gave out from the way he'd pushed himself too hard. [color=forestgreen]"Hopefully you'll be much more comfortable in here, little guy,"[/color] he said as the Foongus hopped closer. He took out his new Pokedex, testing it out even though he already knew the entries for this species. [color=forestgreen]"Uhh... Or rather, little girl."[/color] As he turned his attention from the screen back to his new friend, he thought over what to call her, the name of a famous mycologist popping into his head. [color=forestgreen]"Gilkey. You can be Gilkey. You like that?"[/color] The Foongus smiled in agreement. Both trainer and Pokemon turned at a clashing sound, and a cry of fascination. In a corner of the room, the swordsman and his Gallade sparred, swinging their blades with expert skill. The guy who'd failed to catch the Foongus stared, enthralled. [color=forestgreen]"Yeah, got to say that's pretty impressive,"[/color] Ryan commented, also captivated for a moment by the Pokemon in action, before glancing down at Gilkey to make sure she wasn't too jittery around the guy who'd startled her back there. She tilted her cap, staying where she was at first, then took a little hop forward, her former apprehensiveness replaced with curiosity. [hider=Ryan][b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [list][*]Foongus ♀ (Gilkey), lv10[/list] [b]Items:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x2[/list][/hider]