[color=fff200][b]Yang Bethlehem[/b][/color] [quote=@Eviledd1984] [color=C6DEFF]"Oh, and I think the idea of having a 'training grounds' and somewhere to store our horses is a superb one! I see we continue to have more and more newcomers here. So many new faces! And some pretty ones at that!"[/color] Bast said, looking to the blonde girl with a laugh. [/quote] "Haha, thank you but I'm not that pretty." Yang took the compliment with a smile as she rubbed the back of her head. [quote=@13org] [color=8dc73f]"Oh... I'm just... thinking about a few things... Nothing serious."[/color] Freyr said, immediately changing his expression to the usual smile he had on his face, hiding his troubled expression. [/quote] "What's wrong?" Yang asked to the were-rabbit, she then gave an assured smile to her with a thumbs-up. "Is it a love problem?" "No worries! I'm totally qualified to talk about love problems! I had lesson on it by my master and seniors." Yang said confidently and winked at her, unaware that Freyr was a female instead of a male. [quote=@PaulHaynek] "[color=f26522]Ah, that's good, Yang. Oh, before I forget.[/color]" Bart then announced to everyone on the table. "[color=f26522]Everyone! Meet Yang Bethlehem. She was the member that I wrote to to help out. Yang, why don't you introduce yourself to everyone else and maybe a thing or two about you?[/color]" [/quote] "Yes." She said to Bart, stood up, bowed and introduced herself to the entire guild in a more formal stance. "I'm Yang Bethlehem, disciple of the white tiger temple from the far east and will be part of this guild. It's a great pleasure to be under your wings and guidance." [quote=@PaulHaynek] "[color=f26522]Hmm ...But still...[/color]" Bart was unsure of Neil's plan. "[color=f26522]What do you guys think?[/color]" [/quote] Yang patiently listened to the conversation, waited for others to voice their opinions first before she voiced hers. "I'm fine with aiding them but rotating out, however I, as the outsider, will say that Varjo and its soldiers are not pushovers. Perhaps its best we aid them when it's truly necessary and in larger numbers, otherwise, its best we keep to the sides covertly."