[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/ae5b29bd257badface6a588cecb80da6/tumblr_niqwk3tTrb1u3wveao3_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] Traders’ Market[/center][hr] Cuyler frowned, crossing his arms and leaned against his table. He had long forgotten to sell the rest of his wares to the customers and frankly didn’t care if they looked at him in confusion. For if anyone were to look, they would see Cuyler talking to himself. [color=pink]”And what concern would an Alchemist have for the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice?”[/color] There had always been bad blood between the Wizards and Alchemists and a lot of he-said, she-said. Who really knew the truth of who set half the castle aflame. Perhaps this man knew. He didn’t look old enough but he carried himself in such a way that suggested longevity and even with the limited knowledge Cuyler had, he knew that Alchemists could create things, like eternal life. Marcellus Pye had made a Tincture for eternal life but it didn’t prevent the aging. Cuyler watched the ghost more closely, was this Marcellus Pye who was gifted with a Tincture from Septimus Heap to look younger again? Other thoughts circled through his mind, pulling his thoughts away from the stranger ghost to its comment of Culyer’s relationship with Ayra. Of course he cared for the girl, she was his friend but fancy her? Cuyler was certain that was the farthest thing from Ayra’s mind.