[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] Even if she was one of the last to arrive to the party. Katya was pleased to see she had not missed too much of the fun. Looking around from her spot along the wall she could see people seemed to be enjoying themselves and for now Katya’s was content watching. Although it was partly out of nerves the last party she had been too. Had been back home and she knew everyone by name and knew what each one had done in the last few days. Although that was typical for an outpost, given they tightknit community and everyone knew what everyone else was doing. So being in a party with people she didn’t know or didn’t know well made her feel nervous. Something that amused her greatly given she had fought Cruxi in battle. Yet she still got nervous about not knowing everyone in the room well. [color=Fuchsia]“It’s weird.”[/color] she muttered to herself pulling on her blouse so it sat better. Pleased she had opted to wear thermal legings and a vest as she was starting to feel a little cold. When Zim came over. Katya was pleased, although wished he had waited for a moment as she was about to investigate the food on offer. Seeing cupcakes and some other foodstuff she had yet to try or learn the name of. Having seen it on offer in the mess. Although Katya made a note to avoid trying new food form the mess given it was never any good. Zim's greeting earned a funny looked form Katya as his happy voice was uncharacteristic for him. Katya wondering if something was going on or something was wrong with him. The young woman about to ask when Zim mentioned he had wanted to talk to her for a while now. Which earned an interested looked. [color=Fuchsia]“Oh? What about?”[/color] she asked interest and curiosity lining her words. Katya noticing Paladins wave emoji and gave him a small wave back before focusing back on Zim. Hoping the Ai would keep itself of this. However, Zim’s words and him offering Katya her headband back earned a rather large frown form Katya. Given as much as she wanted it back she could not take it without dishonouring his people's customs and to her the few customs her outpost had were important to her. Given they something that reminded her of home reminded her of a part of the reason why she was willing to fight. Katya was about to cut Zim off when the a commotion the dance floor got her attention. Although it only lasted for a few moments before she lost interest putting her attention back to Zim The rest of his words were listened and when the crowd watching the dance contest got loud she glanced at them and frowned not hearing everything Zim said although heard enough to know it was something important. So when he said it again and she heard him her eye darted away Katya’s cheeks going a little red as she noticed the emojis Paladin was showing. [color=Fuchsia][i]“Dam it Paladin, how dumb do you think I am? When I get my hands on you next your going inside a toaster.”[/i][/color] she thought looking back at Zim. Making a mental note next time she had that Ai in her hands to turn whatever it was hiding inside into something unpleasant. Katya was about to speak when Zim asked him to excuse him the young woman giving a nod. Gesturing for him to go deal with the situation. Katya knowing she should step in and help given her role within the squad but given Zim had beaten her to it and Ariin had also told Irina to leave. So Katya was content to leave it and only get involved if the woman started to act up. Although she was pretty pissed at Irina for making that girl cry as it was just out of line. Parties where meant to be fun not something where you're brought to tears at. [color=Fuchsia][i]“I’ll have checked in on the girl. When I see her next.”[/i][/color] Katya thought, not willing to go off and chase her given she had no idea where she went so figured it would be wasted energy given the base was not exactly small and there where many places a person could hide. When Ariin came over Katya found it a little difficult to make eye contact with young man for a moment. The young woman a little unsure how to handle being around the pair of boys after Paladins little stun. [color=Fuchsia]“Hi Ariin. You feeling alright?”[/color] Katya spoke wanting to check in him make sure he wasn’t going to over and try to pick a fight with Irina. As if he did she would need to stop him. Katya unsure how she would do just that if he did opt to pick a fight with Irina. [color=Fuchsia]“So Ariin this is pretty cool party I was quite surprised when I got the invite. But thanks for inviting me. I appreciated I know I’m not the most fun person to be around mostly working on Caretaker, or reading someone on my tablet.”[/color] she spoke her tone implying she was a little nervous. Katya unsure how to act now Paladin had put everything out in the open. [color=Fuchsia]“Also … could you remind me to have talk with that Ai of yours at some point.”[/color]