Two. There were two of them. For a moment she weighed up her options as one turned towards her. For a moment even considering taking her chances with the dead. You at least knew where you stood with the dead. Then she considered if she could potentially take them, even armed as the one approaching her was. And then he leapt at her. Instantly backing away a step Ash reached for her knife at her side. He wasn't big, exactly, but he was bigger than her and he was coming at her with a blade of his own. Only to have him pass her and stab at the dead that had gotten far too close for comfort and silently Ash cursed herself. She had been too distracted to even notice it. "[I]Come.[/i]" The look he received in reply was cautious but there was at least a flicker of understanding there and the girl gave him the slightest of nods before he suddenly scooped her up and began carrying her. In his arms he'd feel her shivering violently and there were moments during the trip... wherever they were going, that her eyes slid completely closed and she lost consciousness for a few seconds. She couldn't really tell how much time passed while the man carried her, but eventually the jolting eased and they arrived at what looked like a relatively large log cabin. Settling onto her unsteady feet Ash glanced up at the man as he took her hand, a slightly curious look crossing her own before she slipped it out of his grip. He had saved her, true. But she had no clue who these people were. The sounds of rustling leaves caused Ash to retreat a few steps, even as her companion advanced and then smiled back at her. "[I]It's alright, they're friends.[/i]" His friends maybe. Her arms wrapped around herself Ash moved to speak before another dizzy spell came over her, staggering slightly where she stood but shaking her head firmly before everything went entirely dark and the girl collapsed to the ground. Totally unconscious.