Lunise's comments said aloud much of what Meesei had been thinking about internally. Hal-Neesa seemed as strange as she was insufferable, and Meesei had difficulty reading into her intentions. Indeed, Lunise's observations also stirred up a few more questions in her mind. She motioned for the others to step in closer so they could speak more quietly as they headed indoors. "The Ayleids? I thought her phrasing was strange, but I suppose it would make more sense if she was being literal. But if her life goes all the way back to the Alessian Slave Rebellions, then she would be over...four thousand years old. At least. You are right that it is hard to believe." Meesei paused as they moved through two large Dwemer doors, and she stayed quiet while they passed close to another group of lycans. It went without saying that they needed to keep this conversation private. Meesei would need to meet with her council as soon as she could, but their first task was to get the axe to their vault. It needed to be locked away securely. " cannot be denied that she knows far more than we would have expected. The way she spoke about the Thalmor; it implies that she somehow learned of their ultimate goal of destroying Mundus, and supposedly returning themselves to divinity. It required a high-ranking Thalmor defector for us to learn of it, so I am not sure how she would know. And the way she phrased it was strange as well. She said the Thalmor would 'doom mortals to eternal imperfection.' That seems quite the opposite of becoming divine. Do you think it would be worth questioning her about it?"