‘He’s here’ was an understatement because as the giant beast hit the ground with a thud he let out a massive roar which shook the very ground everyone was on. Her fear caught in her thought and she let out a small whimper. This was worse than she thought and now innocent people were getting involved. The difference between others and these innocent people who were the simple fact that these guys knew what they w ere doing; it was surprising, very surprising to see all of them jump into action. A gasp of surprise left her as Noctis began to use his magic and to her complete surprise, everyone’s weapons materialized in their hands and with practiced movements, they began to fight the creature. Taking in a deep breathe, she cocked a bullet to the ready and took aim. Her timing had to be perfect or she risked injuring someone. Her gaze fixated on the situation before her, her determination was serious as she looked for an opening. Taking one, she fired. The bullet whizzed through the air, making contact with the Beast’s leg who let out a roar of pain. “Yes!” She said softly as she cocked back another bullet and lined up another shot. This time the bullet sped through the air, going past Noctis and Prompto’s heads and into the bad eye of the beast. The beast let out a loud roar of pain and followed quickly by a swing attack in an attempt to knock the two men away. Oops! That wasn’t as helpful as she had tried to make it.