[b]Will today ever end?? Russia Circe[/b] Disappointed, that's what she felt as the Vulpix popped out again. She reached for her final pokeball ready to throw it as an Aloloan Ninetails appeared and called to the Vulpix. The split tail pokemon took off towards it's mother as Circe accepted the defeat. Ryan came up to her and gave her some quiet advice, and she turned towards him with a smile. [color=fdc68a]"It's ok, I will catch one eventually, and I will do it with all the energy I got."[/color] She said as she began to jog back with the others. When they arrived back at the base and Circe plopped down in a chair, stretching out the weariness in her bones. So she didn't catch her first pokemon today, she excitedily watched a man named Jason spared with his Gallade. She could tell they were close as they held nothing back in the battle. ------------------------------ [b]Liz[/b] [color=f49ac2]"If they don't learn the taste if disappointment now, than they will think they are invincible. And when they finally get disappointed it will shatter them. I learned disappointment early and it helped me become the champion of Primus."[/color] She thought back to her first battle with Hephaestus, it was against Rins Totodile, Anu. It was an overwhelming defeat and it made her realize that no matter how book smart or enthusiastic she was it still wouldn't be enough. And even before her first pokemon she learned disappointment, at the hands of her father and the other kids in town. She turned away as the other girl left with her Lucario. She looked to Hephaestus, her first and closest friend and gave him a warm smile. Not many people could say they saw Liz's smile, but all her Pokemon saw it regularly. She tossed out a pokeball and Ade appeared from the light, shortly by an other light and Hades floated in the air shielding it's eyes against the sun. [color=f49ac2]"I know it hurts buddy, but use it to fuel you. We are all training on the way back, so I need you to move it. I want you guys faster, and watching these kids play at trainers is not an excuse to slack off got it?? I am sure we were stripped of our championship since we disappeared, we will win it back and we need to be at our strongest got it??"[/color] She took off running back to base, with Hephaestus taking a lead and Hades and Ade trailing behind.