Conrad knew Jorel would get the girl back to “base” safely. Not like he needed a driver’s ed instructor to teach him what to do anyway. This was practically Parking 101 at this point. Driving by the lake, the ex-cop saw the zombies that hadn’t drowned all in about the same area. Flooring the accelerator pedal once more, Conrad drove straight into the zombie mass, killing four of them at once. “Just like bowling! Ah dammit, missed one,” he said nonchalantly as he noticed a smaller one on his windshield. Conrad grabbed his pistol, lowered the driver’s side window, then shot the walker a few times to finish what he started. Then, as if it were just a bug, he rolled that window back up and turned on his windshield wipers. All better. By this point, a few zombies that were further away noticed Conrad’s mission and started heading towards his ride. This was as planned; can’t draw away all the zombies if none of them are left. As much as it pained him to do it, Conrad drove away from the walkers (and the cabin) this time, making sure to do so slowly enough that they could follow him but not so slow that he was zombie food. After a reasonable enough amount of time spent doing this, the former policeman accelerated away from the confused zombie mass and headed back home. It would have been an uneventful drive, except while looking behind him for zombies Conrad heard another loud THUNK in front of him. He was worried he had been followed for a second, but it was just a baby deer. Winner winner, doe for dinner? Whatever. Conrad wrapped the dead baby deer in a tarp and tied it up with some rope, then put it in the trunk of the Explorer. Following this, he drove back to the cabin and was about to walk in when he overheard someone speak. [i]"She can go in my room and use my bed. I'll lock the door from the outside and keep watch until she wakes up. If she isn't going to turn, do you really want her waking up bound and gagged? The poor girl will be scared shitless. If that's not good enough for you...then we have a problem..."[/i] Foolish. They had saved the girl’s life and he gets hung up over agreed-on procedure that could save their lives? Crazy. Carrying the doe-in-a-tarp, Conrad opened the door and walked inside. “Hey guys,” he casually said, “oh good. Leo, since you seem to have some energy, can you cook this?” Conrad then tossed him the aforementioned tarped doe before Sullivan could respond and continued on, “oh, and maybe try to save the fur? Might be good for a blanket or something.” Conrad took a glance at the girl and added “good job following procedure, everyone. It would really suck if a zombie bit one of us.” This last and what was going to come out of his mouth next, he said while looking at Leo. “I think if she can handle nearly freezing to death and being chased by zombies, she can handle being tied up for a few minutes.”