[h3][u][b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/170587-vivid-recollections-into-the-world-unknown-urban-fantasy-with-hints-of/ic]David Costley - Vivid Recollections: Into the World Unknown[/url][/b][/u][/h3] [hider=David Costley] [center][h1][color=057fbc][b]David Costley[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/home/boy-cropped.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=057fbc][h1]╚══════════════╝[/h1][/color][/center] [center][i]"Being angry and shouting doesn't make you any more right ."[/i][/center] [center][color=057fbc][h3][ [b]Age 18[/b] | [b]6'2[/b] | [b]British[/b] | [b]He/Him[/b] | [b]187 lb[/b] ][/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=057fbc][h1] [i] Regret [/i] [/h1][/color][/center] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"Some think that the shirt is unoriginal, though it might just be me."[/i] [indent][indent] David stands tall at 6'2, although his near-bald haircut may stand out more than his height. Typically his dark brown/black hair would reach his eyebrows, let loose yet naturally straight although currently it is growing back after a #2 cut that Dave recently undertook. David's British and Scottish fair-skinned complexion is only interrupted on his forehead where two spots still reside on the righter side of his forehead and by his grown out body hair visible from his arms. David sees his large ears and slightly crooked nose as a fault, which he attempts to bend into the supposed correct shape continuously. His eyes show faint traces of blue, although it is only a small amount. He is frequently wears a long sleeve and gray button-shirt, typically with the sleeves rolled down unless he is relaxing and his top button is always found undone. In regards to trousers, he wears worn-blue jeans with faded knees and a black leather belt around his waist. David does not wear jewellery of any kind, although he may wear a watch occasionally and may carry his black body, red wheeled penny-board with him or perhaps ride it around. Along with his broad posture he walks with an upright posture while he stands, although slouches to a degree while relaxed or in thought. Inspecting his left thumb one would find two long scars travelling horizontally, a memento from a failed woodcarving experiment long ago when he was 10 and ill-equipped for life. When speaking, David's British accent is clear - although an occasional word is pronounced in the Scottish form due to the teachings of his father. [hider=Updated Appearance] [list] [*]Healing shoulder wound (Repetitive stabbings - [b]Scar[/b]). [*]Healing arm wound (Single slash wound separated in two by his forearms - Stiches). [/list] 1.0 - Anticipation [list] [*]Arm wounds are coated in clean bandages, [*]Shoulder wound covered by a large medical plaster (transparent tape-substance and what appears to resemble cotton underneath). [*]Gained a slight amount of weight, [*]Bear Grylls hair style. [*]Beard growing - just a bit more than a stubble. [/list] [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] PSYCHOLOGY [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"I'm sure we all feel like monsters when we remember what we've once done. Just, don't judge me..."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [color=057fbc][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] David, though not having a specific job in mind, plans to enter service in areas of high importance requiring large amount of time and intellect - aiming to reach far to impress and advance society. [color=057fbc][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] Everyone has the right to criticise each other, although that doesn't mean they should, that is David's fundamental belief and one he will constantly stick to. A person is only as great as what they strive for, without criticism a belief can't be challenged, proven correct or improved. The lack of critique is why there is such a divide in society, as incorrect or impractical belief are left unchallenged and grow in the public mind. Happiness develops from understanding which itself comes from deep analysis. [color=057fbc][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] David is a strong believer that men are discriminated against within the justice system and elsewhere in life. Thinking that many oppose this view, he keeps it to himself even though the inequality he believes in terrifies him. [color=057fbc][b]DESIRES ⫻[/b][/color] "Good friends and to become a prodigy... probably not in that order." David wishes for what he feels as though he never had, true friends and at least for a moment have a feeling of superiority to others. [color=057fbc][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Heterosexual and contempt to be so. [color=057fbc][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Being left out, that is David's greatest social fear. When it may become apparent that his friends are planning and he has yet to know if he will be invited then anxiety will surface in his mind, he may attempt to become invited in this case. Being forgotten by people or even being seen as useless strike a chord. David rarely opens up about his own personal history, as he fears that others would he his past as a luxury without trouble and that his troubles are not paramount or equal to their own. [color=057fbc][b]REPUTATION ⫻[/b][/color] David lacks much of a reputation, for better or for worse - he is secluded at school, tending to stay in his small group of friends although this does not prevent him from speaking to those outside of his group. He does not tire from talks usually, his social situation simply occurred and it is one he is accustomed to. Those who know David say he's helpful to offer his services for aid, happy to help and rarely becomes upset about a predicament. Those who don't know him call him weird, almost having a cartoonish personality at moments while at others saying the strangest of sentences. [color=057fbc][b]PET PEEVES ⫻[/b][/color] Continuous battery and repetition of menial actions that invade David's own privacy which the perpetrator claims is justified. [color=057fbc][b]QUIRKS ⫻[/b][/color] While David is thinking he tends to detach from his physical senses and body - he begins staring at a point. He becomes unable to see, smell, taste or hear and tends to wipe his fingertips over a point repeatedly, although he doesn't realise, as well as this being caused by his heavy thinking. He tends to daydream frequently due to the lack of socialising he is accustomed to and may begin acting erratic under immediate and unexpected pressure in social situations. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] BACKSTORY [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"The attempt on my life when I was eight didn't stop my progress, neither did all the other attempts."[/i] [indent][indent] David had only been to the US once before he began to attend Grand Ridge Academy, a week when he was only twelve where he stayed in Orlando; visiting Universal studios and the enormous shopping centres with his mother, father and younger brother. His parents weren't from Farmer Hill either - the father being brought up in rural Scotland and then Wales whilst his mother being a "raised-rich" Londoner. The father, Callum, had begun life going to the royal high school in Edinburgh. Being the eldest of two he became a typical local man who found it easy to talk to strangers and joke. Although being largely overweight and a heavy smokey had once been a tall, strong and fit young lad with a small afro and flat stomach. Years later after a leg injury he can no longer run not walk for long periods, though that isn't helped by either his smoking or lack of exercise. This began to bring his mood down, although he always had anger and control problems to begin with. Currently he is out of work although he is searching, he is an offshore oil-rig consultant. Meanwhile the mother, Vanessa, was the youngest of three, the oldest a boy and the other another girl. Their father began as a rich entrepreneur and business owner, once having a camera shop on Trafalgar square - the centre of London. She was brought up on ski holidays, rolls Royce and without regard for money. Her mother and father became lazy as she grew and she had to become responsible for herself as did her siblings, at twelve she began cooking and cleaning for her parents, as well as travelling to the bus stop with her siblings to move around. Regardless of their past wealth, the father ended up bankrupt in the end. She grew to be highly responsible, and would believe that she is responsible for everything she is made aware of. Currently she is working for a telecommunications company. David was born and raised for most of his life within and around Britain. Having family all over the country, they travelled frequently on holidays to see them; Cousins in Edinburgh, Looe, Cambridge and Rickmansworth while a single uncle in London, though that was while he wasn't working. For the first eleven years of his life, David was mostly secluded. Their home was a relatively small home in a woodland, with several neighbors who were all old pensioners already with no children their age. The nearest town was a forty minute walk away and so most days and nights it was David in his room reading or playing by himself, his own brother was the same and neither enjoyed to converse much. At five, David began at his first school, an all boys. This was not where he made friends, after two years the entire student body began to either ignore or abuse him, with a child strangling him at six and three attempts to drown him between eight and nine. Needless to say he preferred to reside in the school library on school days. During the ages of six to eleven, apart from his family, he only spoke regularly to teachers, and that itself was only when they asked him questions. David was quiet at home, whenever he could he wouldn't involve his parents in his affairs as he believed that once again she would take control of his life, while his father would boom louder than the storm clouds with his anger filled voice and may even smite him, as he had done on several occasions in the past. When David admitted to his parents that he despised the school at eleven, holding back the tears as he spoke. They decided to move him to another school - although this was not much better. It was another all boys although that was not a problem, it was again the fault of the students who were violent and harsh. He once again became an outcast, but this time he created a group of friends, five others to be precise, and each school break they would meet in an open area between the sciences and english buildings, where they as the outcasts could be social. This was where David truly began to learn any social skills. At this point, David had yet to begin working at a high level - his grades were a representative of what he remembered from classes and nothing else, and so he wasn't predicted to be anything as he grew up. This changed as he read his first Sherlock novel, before the age of thirteen he had read many books, but none like Sherlock. At once he became engrossed in the intelligence of the character, how he could deduce almost anything with sound logic. Although this did not take David onto the path of a detective, he gained a respect for knowledge and gained a drive for his life, albeit a rather typical one. This drive took him to invest into his future by working hard, after gcses came A-levels, in which he gained high grades, though not anything outstanding - due to this he wasn't able to enter Oxbridge, as a compromise he travelled to the US for the Grand Ridge Academy, renowned in the sciences, currently he is situated in a dorm room. [/indent][/indent] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] SKILLS & TALENTS [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"Just because I'm not a genius doesn't mean I can't claim to be."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [color=057fbc][b][Accomplished reader] ⫻[/b][/color] - Can read around 1000 to 1500 words per minute. [color=057fbc][b][Amateur Skateboarder] ⫻[/b][/color] - Unlike many others David can indeed push off the ground without falling off. [color=057fbc][b][Creativity] ⫻[/b][/color] - David may, at anytime it is requested, recount a developed idea or story of his that at one point he created, else he will invent one on the spot with relative ease. [color=057fbc][b][Disconnect from the Physical] ⫻[/b][/color] - During times of being still for a long amount of time David can easily slip into his mind and ignore reality and what is occurring around him. [color=057fbc][b][Good Memory] ⫻[/b][/color] - David can recall strange facts, needless information and useless memories others seem to have forgotten with relative ease, such as the number of times a certain classmate has stepped on a worm to the time a student stormed out of the classroom for achieving a bad grade. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] ABSTRACTION [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"You see pal, no matter how much you achieve I can reach the same. I am what you are, a pale reflection of what you have been and how you could end up."[/i] [indent][indent] [color=057fbc][b]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/b][/color] [url=https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/home/1994309broken.jpg] A broken outline of a hand mirror on his left shoulder[/url] [color=057fbc][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] Knowledge Replication - The ability to replicate other's knowledge and intelligence. [color=057fbc][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] David consciously mimics the knowledge and intelligence of a person within a twenty-five meter radius centred around himself by imagining the person in his mind. David is also able to replicate their movements even if he is unable to see them. As long as the person is within the radius then the 'flow' of information is continuous and can grow - Immediately: A form of mind reading, David can recall information actively being used by the individual, what is on the forefront of their mind, for example such as the name of a bird a ornithologist nearby is thinking about. After five minutes David begins to acquire their non-physical abilities such as problem solving or mathematics prowess and also begins to replicate the knowledge that a person holds. After seventy-two hours David can recall any and all of the knowledge an average person holds as well as physically demanding abilities and skills. The 'flow' of this power only lasts as long as the people are within his radius, once they are removed from the area the replication of their knowledge fades over time from David's mind unless he attempts to memorise an amount. Later David can learn to harness his power in a new way; by creating a mental-link between him and the target, which he can create two of at any one point. With these links, which can be removed at will and as long as the people are in Farmer Hill, the flow continues. [color=057fbc][b]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/b][/color] Complete intelligence and knowledge replication becomes near-instantaneous. The range of this ability grows to anyone around and close to the mountain, with no limit to the number of mental-links David can produce. Recall becomes permanent as long as David is still within the presence of the mountain. After five minutes can begin to recall their memories. This process completes like the others where he can recall any memory that they can after a duration, although the fewer memories the faster the process, which typically lasts eighty minutes. [color=057fbc][b]AURA SENSING ⫻[/b][/color] David can see 'group collective auras' in a single-mile radius - to say, those who have recently travelled in a group will glow a colour relating to the group. The larger the group at the time, the brighter the colour. Those who have travelled in multiple groups will emit more than one colour. [color=057fbc][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] David's abstraction has a range limit which means he cannot use his abstraction on people past a certain point. David will have a hard time sorting out thoughts in a person's head. While he gets information from the forefront of the mind, he also gets all the weird and sexual thoughts that are not only useless to him, but also slows down the process. The Awakened are not immune to the process, but they can feel the connection that David has made, and at will are capable of dispelling it at will. [color=057fbc][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] David's abstraction causes a mental "bleed effect" as the thoughts, personality, and memories, of those he mind-links start to become his own. He slowly starts to absorb the memories of that person as long as the mind link persists until there's nothing left of that person. Even if the link is broken, David retains a bit of that person. Whether it be their personality, their memories, and so on. In addition, his mind taking on so much information can be damaging, and after a lengthy mind link he may need a break or else he'll suffer a complete mental overload that'll not only stop him from thinking straight, but cause him severe pain. [/indent][/indent] [h3][color=057fbc][u][b] OTHER [/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i]"Well here I am, It turns out I do indeed exist!"[/i] [indent]Nothing else to note really[/indent] [/hider] [hr] [h3][u][b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/171245-welcome-to-rawyn-a-supernatural-mystery/ic]Aiden Taft - Welcome To Rawyn[/url][/b][/u][/h3] [hider=Aiden Taft] [center][h1][color=dbb800][b] Aiden [/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/rawyn/CROPPEDnotebook-man-working-person-people-notepad.jpg[/img] [h3][color=dbb800][i] "Your friends may be loyal but I promise you, they won't stick for as long as my student debt." [/i][/color][/h3] [color=dbb800][h2]Back to Basics[/h2][/color] [/center] [color=dbb800][b]Name:[/b][/color] Aiden Neil Taft [color=dbb800][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Taff - He's aware of the irony. [color=dbb800][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=dbb800][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=dbb800][b]Origin:[/b][/color] Tourist, [center][color=dbb800][h2]Appearance[/h2][/color][/center] [color=dbb800][b]Height:[/b][/color] 189.32 cm (6.2 foot) [color=dbb800][b]Build:[/b][/color] Broad and well-postured. [color=dbb800][b]Hair:[/b][/color] Light brown, 5 back and sides and a longer quiff on the front. [color=dbb800][b]Eyes:[/b][/color] Dark Brown [color=dbb800][b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b][/color] Mole in the middle of his neck. [color=dbb800][b]Style:[/b][/color] Aiden tends to dress for the weather, although typically wearing light-blue jeans and a raincoat considering that this is Wales - the weather changes every five minutes. Aiden will probably be wearing his glasses along with his watch on his left wrist, with a light brown leather strap. [center][color=dbb800][h2]Skills & Occupation[/h2][/color][/center] [color=dbb800][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Student of Mathematics at an English University, [color=dbb800][b]Hobbies & Interests:[/b][/color] [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Reading: Preferring this that to twiddling his thumbs to pass the time, [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Mysticism, [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Dabbling: Aiden enjoys finding skills or subjects and delving into them for a short amount of time before moving onto another, tending to forget most of what he learnt over a long period of time. [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Writing in Journal, [color=dbb800][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Occult knowledge and Magician: General knowledge in several of the used arts though adept and focused mostly on rituals and incantations rather than charms, symbols, magical history, religious prayers or any of the other topics on magicks. [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Basic card tricks: Palming cards, making them appear and disappear. [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Driving: Although not masterful, Aiden has a driver's license although no car to speak of. [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Guitar playing, [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Acute Mathematics, [b][color=dbb800]-[/color][/b] Shrewd, [color=dbb800]-[/color] Deceitful and Manipulative: when he feels it would lead to the best option available, [color=dbb800][b]Supernatural Sensitivity:[/b][/color] High [center][color=dbb800][h2] Psychology [/h2][/color][/center] [color=dbb800][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Aiden would come off as detached and indifferent to those who talk to him, it takes more than being human to talk to someone on a personal level. Aiden can handle death - he can make small talk on the perspective or possibility without understanding why people become upset about the subject, although he is aware on how people may react on the matter. He tends to trust the supernatural a great deal, at least that which does not have a body nor mouth. For the most part Aiden will offer his input in whatever people are troubled on, although the recipient may not actually enjoy what he has to say - in other words Aiden can be a blunt son of a gun. This does not mean that what he has to say won't be of value, Aiden doesn't know what he expects of situations, he doesn't know if he's a realist or a pessimist - all he does is state the possibilities regardless of how dark they seem. To shrug off guilt or pain he may become cruel, pushing people away from him else believing that he'll only cause further damage. In time and with a great enough of a push he may forget how to escape from his method of coping, perhaps losing himself in the process. [color=dbb800][b]Bio:[/b][/color] [center]Aiden was conceived and raised within good ol' Chester, Cheshire to a working class family - both parents involved in their own projects most of Aiden's childhood and couldn't care for his every childish whim or desire. From youth Aiden found his mind to be out of his control, thinking at several thoughts at once, ignoring his desire to silence. It felt as though his mind was racing at every second he breathed, finding little comfort in sleep due to it taking hours for his consciousness to fall away. The only saving grace was that he had become used to this over the eternity his mind rushed like it did, perhaps if another only just gained a mind like his they may break down into a wreck... though that's perhaps being too melodramatic and a tad narcissistic. He didn't find comfort in the other children at school nor in his neighborhood, they avoided him and his... quirks so he seldom found himself in the company of others. This was especially during school breaks or during school lunches, with all the free time he found enjoyment in books and fiddling, card tricks and juggling, onto singing and then writing - whatever caught his interest at the present. His parents being ever so cunning believed that if he picked up an instrument at a young age he could woo over future school prospects. The ploy worked in a sense, Aiden could play songs although he never really learnt to comprehend musical scores, nor did he memorise chords. He was far from a stunning performer with his stiff fingers as well. This didn't matter to Aiden, not really. He was indifferent about the entire ordeal as he was about most topics. One day, at the ripe old age of eleven he visited his grandma at her nursing home - hooked up to machine after machine. She passed on as he played to her - Perhaps it was the magick around him, maybe she just let go, it really didn't bother Aiden - a worrying sign. At a later time Aiden discovered magick, real magick, ironically from comics he was much too old for. Investing into the occult originally as a minor curiosity it grew into a great interest once he realised the complexity and diversity of it all. Then one day he moved on from researching to partaking - Aiden's busy household did not hold to space to perform nor did Aiden believe that his parents would be pleased to discover his hidden hobby. Out he went into the pouring rain with umbrella in hand to a nearby wood, etching lines into the ground and muttering in a chant - The process took much too long for Aiden not to be soaked, though he continued. And as he closed the last word of his chant the powers collected, it was nothing more than a rite of protection yet he could sense it worked... The sky, it seemed to glow! Aiden had returned that night contempt, sneaking up to his room without so much as a peep. He had found what would fascinate him for his life, his calling. [hider=A younger Aiden watches in awe at the effects of his first spell] [img]https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/_/rsrc/1523186774386/rawyn/man-landscape-nature-silhouette-light-sky-1051767-pxhere.com.jpg?height=800&width=620[/img] [/hider] Over the years Aiden's knowledge and confidence in magicks grew, recently it was as though he received a message from perhaps the spirits without so much as an incantation, on his forearm the word "Rawyn" was spelled on his skin, only to fade after being seen. A short amount of research later he found a seaside town by the same name. With no classes at his university (University of Chester) within the next month Aiden declared that there was nothing holding him back for a while, taking the train and then several busses to the area. Currently he is situated in a cheap B&B within the town. [hider=Near-present Aiden watching the result of his magicks in the rain] [img]https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/_/rsrc/1523186795789/rawyn/man-light-spiral-space-darkness-circle-121368-pxhere.com.jpg?height=532&width=800[/img] [/hider] [/center] [color=dbb800][b]Weaknesses and Fears:[/b][/color] - Guilt & Consequence: Aiden fears being the cause of pain or angst, trying not to be the obvious cause of problems. This can cause internal turmoil, as he acts upon what needs doing no matter the cost to others, causing him guilt in some cases. - No Limits: Although with morals, Aiden is willing to do what others would outright refuse if he believes that someone must do it, because he knows that no one else will. - Fall: The concern that those around him will be changed by the offspring of magick, that they will lose themselves in quests for power or offer up what they have so easily without second thought to reach their goals. Being the cause of this will hurt worse. [/hider] [hr] [h3][u][b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/171413-godspeed/ic]Faliir - Godspeed[/url][/b][/u][/h3] [hider=Faliir] [center][img]https://sites.google.com/site/lollosdlfsf/_/rsrc/1523279861660/god/CROPPEDimageedit_8_3768824901.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=ffff47][h1]Faliir[/h1][/color][color=f9e022][b]The Empowering Brightness[/b] [b]Male[/b][/color][/center] [hider= Dᴏᴍᴀɪɴ & Pᴏʀᴛꜰᴏʟɪᴏ] [indent]Heroics (Empowerment)[/indent] [indent] Heroics give rise to empires, to peace and justice when all seems for naught, risking what they have and then some for their views. Instead of cowering away they face against adversaries with bravery, ingenuity or strength. Heroes aren't deserving of their titles for memely being granted them, it is their actions that separate them from the many. A heroic act may come from one not appointed as a god's hero, a farmer boy of a wolf could show bravery in the face of an enemy or villain. Heroism and self sacrifice carries hurdles that must be overcome before any action can be done. Without the strength to push many give up before even beginning the struggle, the fight. This is where Faliir can aid, gifting clarity to those drowning in fear, movement to those in shock, bravery to those who cry. The newfound strength to carry on. [/indent] [/hider] [color=f9e022][u][b] Aʟɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Neutral Good[/indent] [color=f9e022][u][b] Pᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Faliir is a logical being rather than an emotional one. He uses what exists of his emotions to form his morality - a gray one that he does not stray from and ironic how his mindset may seem, it prevents him from acting rash or ineffective. Perhaps preventing his from intervening where he may be of no use or where he may sully the land and people. Happy to commune, he enjoys debating with any and all creatures he is able to - with a life based around supplying mortals it seems immature to ignore their views or whims, though that is also up for debate. Ever without optimism this being is willing to fight for mortal creatures and their right to exist as a species, treating all with sympathy. With others of the divine realm he prefers mutual understandings rather than devout loyalty within arguments or plans - hoping that others may offer advantages to use. If he is unable to gain a benefactor from a Deity he will either view you as a neutral party, a necessary evil or a villain in the most extreme circumstances.[/indent] [color=f9e022][u][b] Gᴏᴀʟs [/b][/u][/color] [indent]A simple ideal; Faliir wishes to aid those without the strength themselves to fight back, as long as he agrees with their plan or morals. [/indent] [color=f9e022][b][u] Aᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ [/u][/b][/color] [indent]Faliir takes the form of a human, nude with the exception of a brown pelt kilt else clad in a white tunic and calf-length trousers. Regardless of attire he will be found without feet garments. Faliir's hair is a light brown with tips blond, he has a braid of several strands which runs down the further-right side of his head, reaching his shoulder. His hair is unkempt, long and points in all directions. Apart from this and his darkened lines of skin along his arms and uppee chest, there are no characteristic that differentiate Faliir from a human - if they were to exist. He is slightly taller than most and he appears to be well built with broad shoulders. Eyes of brown, a mellow voice and perfectly white teeth.[/indent] [hider= Mᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ Tʜᴇᴍᴇ][indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qwk4sBYfM0[/youtube][/indent][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Creations of Faliir] [hider=Dreay - The Nightly Dream - Avatar of Faliir] One of his relatives created a strange, winged creature capable of flight. It sung melodies and could create serenity within calm listeners. Faliir took hold of one that fluttered nearby, with his calming presence the bird accepted it's fate. The Deity took upon inspecting the bird, it's shape, colours, textures and design committed to memory, plucking a feather ever so carefully before placing it on the ground to which it flew into the air and whisked itself away on the winds. Faliir had all that he required. Whistling on the feather it began to glow a sandy yellow, encased within it's glow it began to grow and change - soon there was an entire being that sat in Faliir's hands. It was a bird yet not as it's brethren. This would be a being shaped with Faliir's power, an avatar to follow his bidding. The creature's wings seemed to be entirely connected... flowing like a thin cloth of silk in the wing. [color=f9e022][i]I grant you life so that you may grant power to those with eyes closed[/i][/color] he commands the new being. [color=f9e022][i]"For that I grant you my power and a name; Dreay."[/i][/color] The now eagle-sized creature squarks in response, eyes never leaving it's creator. [color=f9e022][i]"May you ever travel through the world, grant visions of an ideal world into the minds of mortals in rest... May they be influenced to act when active."[/i][/color] Faliir outstreaches his palms to the skies and the newly created Dreay shifts forwards before flapping its wings and flying away. [hider=Dreay begins it's journey][img]https://850d5463-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/lollosdlfsf/god/152408395962026698.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] Dreay flies for eternity within the dusk and darker hours - For the sun that keeps mortals awake and so by sense the mortalkind will sleep when it is away. He flies over those who sleep and gifts them dreams. [/hider] [hider=The Yellow Trees of Strength] There was one final act to do, walking to the ocean Faliir cups an amount of the salt water and carries it towards the forest himself, to the nearest tree. Passing his power into the water he sprinkles it over the roots to which in response the bark groans and grows, a once mundane creation would now live for centuries with a trunk that could grow to the height of the clouds and a crown greater than that. It will bear yellow fruit from hundreds of it's branches, the several seeds in each would imbue strength both mental and physical to whoever consumes such a delicacy... This would all be in time though for although the tree was now taller than its neighbors it was not such a size as of yet, for now there would only be eight and for any more to grow would require more power or patience... Faliir was contempt with the number that grew for now and plucked one at random. He gifted the fruit to his creation, the Centaur, who consumed the fruit from it's own hands - spitting back out one seed at Faliir's command. [color=f9e022][i]"Go now, plant this where it can grow, where it will not be injured for many years."[/i][/color] The creature then left into the forest, disappearing into the foliage. [hr] Faliir created a magical tree, the seeds of its yellow fruit grant heightened strength and fortitude. [/hider] [hider=Horses] Faliir wasted little time to set to work, it was an instinct - Faliir would be against himself to resist. The Deity reached for the fur skin that clothed his lower body and by plucking several strands the being began his work. [color=f9e022][i]"I name thee as the steeds of others, may to aid many on their quests..."[/i][/color] He whispered onto the stands, blowing them into the wind from his open palm after. They floated around at first seeming to move with the wind but as they settled they began to grow, to take shape. Soon several quadrupedal beings stood up on the sand, bowing their heads to their creator and then heading towards a forest nearby. These beings would be self-sufficient, able to live off the land around it. [hr] Mater Lei landed amidst the cypresses, pleased to find another deity already birthed and active. As she passed his creatures, she chose one out of every five and made it into either a [url=http://www.dinosaurjungle.com/prehistoric_animals_hyracotherium.php]hyrac[/url] or a [url=https://arkencounter.com/blog/2014/10/15/forgotten-fauna-chalicotheres/]chalicothere[/url], creatures slower but more suited for life in thick woodland and swamp. She let them retain their ease of taming, and as the little dawn-horses clambered through the thickets and the chalicotheres pushed over saplings in the swamp, she sent the original horses out of her citadel, and enriched the grasses beyond to speed them on their way. [hr] Faliir created horses to aid other mortals. Mater Lei created two new species from the horses - the hyrac and the chalicothere. [/hider] [hider=The Centaur] Faliir's mind then became clear, he became able to think much clearer after that short lived impulse had been treated. Reaching for another strand of hair from his clothing he also collected one of his own from his head - entwining them before blowing it away. This time it was no horse that grew, instead it was only the lower half that did, the upper body resembled Faliir's body. The creature did not bow this time, Faliir had no need for it to. Instead the creator pressed his thumb on the forehead of his creation, sharing some of his power with his son who would now be able to commune with others that could be seen as [i]lesser[/i] than itself. [hr] He banished those memories and repressed the aching pains of his body. With every footstep, a skin of true flesh grew around his celestial form until he eventually looked humanoid enough to not alarm the ones that he sought out, even if there was still no mistaking that he was a divine. After a short while he came across what he was looking for: a small group of centaur trod together, foraging along a path. He approached them without hiding, and as he drew closer they sensed his presence and spun around. Fear was palpable upon their faces in that first moment, and yet they did not run. Promus exuded an aura of serenity and order so powerful that it calmed even mortals as wild and uncivilized as these. He was now standing mere feet away from them. They still stared, but now their fear had made way for curiosity. He reached out to brush a hand against the flesh of the one closest to him. He did not know the origin of these beings; they had been made by a god that he had yet to make himself acquainted with, but they did not seem to be monstrous or base. He sensed that they were greater than mere beasts, that they could understand and commune with other creatures if not with one another, and that they were capable of mutual cooperation. They were a worthy breed, one that deserved his patronage and protection. [color=skyblue]"I am Promus,"[/color] he told them simply. Even though they had neither language nor the capacity for speech, the words of a god (especially on of speech!) could be understood by all that the said god willed to understand. So it was that the meaning was placed directly into their minds, and they understood just what Promus was, even if they hadn't already known of nature or existence gods and could hardly grasp the extent of his power. [color=skyblue]"...and I bestow upon you and your kindred the gift of Speech."[/color] [hr] Faliir created the first centaur - gifting it the ability to commune with nature. Promus gifted the Centaur the ability to commune with speech; A higher form of communication. [/hider] [/hider]