[h3][color=LightSlateGray]Ardanata “Dana” Stamos[/color][/h3][hr][i]Russia || Norilsk || May 7th[/i] Dana adapted to the camp’s routine without much complaint; Professor Rowan’s presence was collateral against the possibility that she was wasting her time, and the new, Earth trainers were, besides clueless, very varied in their personalities and subsequent flaws. That one of them had caught the Foongus was surprising, considering that the trainers had given him no assistance in doing so, weakening the Pokemon or otherwise, but catching a Pokemon was such a small step in the right direction that seeing it happen—the boy’s excitement, then pride—reminded Dana of how slowly the new trainers were inching along in their progress. On the other hand, the trainers from her world all seemed sure in their own strengths. The group was varied, for sure; Dana recognized a few fellow champions, while others were clearly trainers who pursued different heights than stadium spotlights. All the same, Dana had little interest in socializing, and instead focusing her thoughts on the geography of the area. Russia, the name of their current country of residence, reminded Dana strongly of Snowbelle or Snowpoint city with its endless landscape of snow. However, the appearance of the Alolan Vulpix and Foongus showed that the spread of Pokemon in the region was anything but normal; Alola and Unova shared few similarities, yet their native species were living with miles of each other in Russia. [i]How many other regions’ Pokemon are here, and how was this decided?[/i] Dana thought. The possibility that Pokemon had just been deposited randomly across Earth, allowing natural selection and competition to weed out the unfit and wrongly placed, was not a pleasant one, but it was plausible all the same. The group’s arrival back in camp set off a bout of socialization, which Dana figured she may as well partake in. Training was her priority right now, especially since she now had a host of sparring partners to choose from. When the swordsman and his Gallade started sparring, Dana watched with keen interest, eyes flicking between the two’s blades as her Duskull rose up to hover at her side. [hider=Notes][h3] [/h3][u] Pokemon: [/u]: [list][*]Duskull ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Ivysaur* ♀ — Lv 34 [*]Combusken ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Scizor ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Marshtomp ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Clefable ♀ — Lv 34[/list][h3] [/h3][/hider] [h1] [/h1][hr][hr][h3][color=Khaki]Camden Montero[/color][/h3][hr][i]May 4th || Russia || Norilsk[/i] Camden had only himself to blame for failing to spot the Alolan Vulpix first—he knew that. Still, he couldn’t suppress his annoyance at the fact that he’d missed out on an [i]Alolan Vulpix[/i]. [i]Why couldn’t it have been something uglier, like a Cubchoo?[/i] he thought, annoyed that he was, in fact, annoyed. He wanted to be more mature, get over this roll of ugly emotion that welled up whenever he spotted the girl who’d thrown the Pokeball first, but he was trying and failing to do so. [i]The least she could have done was catch it,[/i] he thought with one last ‘tsk’ of irritation as the group arrived back in camp. Next time, he’d have to—he [i]would[/i]—do better. An exclamation called his attention to the current commotion: a trainer and his Gallade facing off, blades out. Watching with wide eyes as the trainer and Pokemon parried and struck, Camden was struck by the beauty of their synchronization: though it was far from a routine, the trainer and Pokemon knew each other’s moves and thoughts, allowing them to achieve the balance of their current deadly dance. While not exactly a spectacle or show in the sense that Pokemon contests were, the routine was still the most amazing feat of trainer and Pokemon cooperation Camden had seen thus far, and he stared with both awe and anticipation of the closing act. [color=Khaki]“My bet’s on the Gallade,”[/color] he said with a grin as he watched. [hr][hr][@Zarkun][@LuckyBlackCat]