To those observing purely by watching the interest check; the relaunch in full is imminent. Fresh OOC/IC OP going up today, or over the weekend at worst. Onboard from the outset are myself, The Captain as co-GM (bounce enough ideas off each other that we may as well) and Genni, Gorgenmast and Willy Vereb from the original players; newcomers on board and with well-seated concepts in the Southwest and East of the map respectively are Chicken and ArisenMoon, as a scorned Justinian legion sent to the bleak frontier for political rabble-rousing at home and a league of Baktrian-Elladan city states, consumed in a merchant backed color revolution gone far awry from its original short-leashed intent into a full-blown violent secession as the plebs exterminate the original exoteric leadership of the operation. After that goes up and everyone is nicely established, I'll be hopping into collab posts to actually make an in-narrative mark already. As other notes; occasional work is being done on an underlying metaphysic/cosmology arrangement, Justinian and Daigon have more or less taken shape as characters/plot devices and their nation-constructs likewise though room remains for further fleshing out, and I'm experimenting with the use of a simple Kanban board program to keep track of everything once we get into motion. It's not very full now, and thus not very necessary, but it's an idea at least to make GMing that little bit smoother or more organized. Keep posted, ye lurkers! [hider=Kanban][img][/img] [/hider]