Also, a Star Sapphire Ring can help to overcome the Red Lantern's heart takeover. In Darkest Night, Guy Gardner takes a Red Lantern ring, but a Star Sapphire ring also bonds to him, telling him that it'll stop the Red ring from consuming his heart. Anyway, I would love to get in on this and have MANY idea's of what i'd love to play, but sadly, can only do 1... See, my favourite lantern is Mogo, and i'd love to do something along the same lines as far as "Non-conventionally sentient gets Lantern ring" idea goes. The other thing i'd love to play is a generally non-superpowered character. Way I see it, the Rings are so powerful, if it comes down to 2 Ring-bearers fighting then, regardless of what other powers are at play, whoever is most attuned to their ring's spectrum, will be the winner. So, here's a few idea's that I had: Orange Lantern: Ego (I know, he'd be insanely OP, but he'd be fun to play) Indigo Lantern: Lockjaw (I'd love to, but sadly, he can't talk, making him a bit difficult) Aunt May (She is nothing if not compassionate) Anti-Venom (The argument could be made that all Anti-Venom ever did was for the benefit of its host. Anti-Venom moreso as it wanted to cure all of its symbiotic siblings.) Rom The Space Knight (His compassion was so powerful that absorbing it is what turned Rogue good... It's true, look it up. She was just an evil henchman of Mystique, until she tried to absorb Rom's powers.) Star-Sapphire: Mary-Jane Parker ("Go get 'em, Tiger.") Yellow Lantern: Frank Castle (Because why not?)