Nodding slowly, Alexis ordered a sensor sweep of the area the blip appeared in. "We've had too many 'coincidences' already. Let's not push our luck. Other than the sensor sweep don't do a thing. If something is there, let it think we don't know." she murmured. With TS-1 on the ground, the sudden lack of things to do reminded her of the times when her sub went on silent mode. She thought now might be a good time to go talk to Mr. McClellan about some changes she wanted to make concerning personnel, but the comms rang just as she was about to leave. Routing the call to her earpiece, she opened the channel: "This is West, how may we be of assistance?" she asked, mentally cringing at the suggested oddity of the request. There was enough "odd" on this mission to fill several reports, and they only just started.