Marea stumbled as she felt the entire island shake as the air was flooded by the sound of an explosion. Gripping the basket she held tightly, the girl did her best to make sure none of its contents spilled out onto the ground. Once she was sure it had steadied out, Marea looked off into the distance at the stormy clouds that seemed to cause all these troubles. Her gaze locked onto it, and a distant air seemed to permeate from her. [color=2E2C2C][i]Hopefully the Divers can resolve this before Marlowe tries to get involved.[/i][/color] Letting out a long sigh, she pressed on for a few steps before having a moment of pause, blinking a couple of times. Several long seconds passed as the blue-haired lady just stared off at nothing in particular as she receded into her thoughts. [color=2E2C2C][i]Actually...Knowing him, he's probably planning to try and get in with the first group that leaves.[/i][/color] Marea then took off, hurriedly delivering the basket and starting to quickly walk around the island, searching for Marlowe. Finding his usual training grounds empty, she went to the next place he could be: the docks where all these fresh Divers could be seen milling about and unloading. Hunting for that familiar brown hair flopping about, Marea mostly ignored the newcomers until she began picking up on those in unmistakably Imperial garb. Those individuals would get a wide berth from her and express effort to avoid eye contact as she picked up her pace to hurry past. Spotting her mark, the blue-haired girl's shoulders would droop slightly as her gaze softened. Quickly walking towards Marlowe, she remained silent save for her approaching footsteps. If he seemed to spot her, Marea would offer a slight wave to him as she closed in.