About 3 years ago in another RP site, me and [@Letter Bee] had fun with a Digimon RP of our own that was inspired by the TV series. And now it's about time we do a reboot (kind of) of it as we loved playing both our respective characters in the RP. The plot as a whole goes like so, with some of it here in our unedited suggestions at Discord: [quote=@BeachDude7PH][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/295084321155579905/436074549256257536/30420187_10157553290046840_4630989683032295182_o.jpg?width=247&height=300[/img] Lust could have been porn in general, but Tinder will do if we were to make the RP family-friendly. LinkedIn is apparently Facebook for business people. I'm guilty with only Sloth. But at least it's not the sexually-connotative 'Netflix and chill' Oh, back to my concept... So yeah, it's like AppliMonsters, and new Goggle Boy Haru Shinkai (will be given a cameo appearance in the RP eventually) and friends' shenanigans. But mine will be more on reflecting to the sins' reality. Objective will be to control and overcome. Cue 'Bolero' background music Tentomon was trying to make contact with Seven on the plane from the flight from Tokyo to Manila, to no avail. He tried again on the Manila-Cebu flight. And again on settling down in Mactan Island at the Hamadas' new beach house. Tentomon finally succeeded when a freak blackout happened one hot summer night: The power was out... Except for Seven's device. It is a reboot. And instead of the original RP which was set in Nha Trang, Vietnam... It will be at this freak blackout in Mactan Island, Cebu. The place itself is a beach paradise: white sands, friendly people, laid-back but clean environment... I do have to say something that's still good about my country, though. The freak blackout is when the players' Digimon come out. And I think it's best if I'll stop there for now: At least Seven's Tentomon will give the progression of the story... Spoiler: The 7 Deadly Sins concept.[/quote] [quote=@Letter Bee]Basically, there was once the Atanasoff-Berry Computer and ENIAC (who, by the way, are Canon characters in various Digimon video games before Yggdrassil was even a thing). The various Yggdrassil units all across the Multiverse are their child, many of whom turned to tyranny and evil. The RP's Digital World used to have a tyrannical Yggdrassil Unit, Yggdrassil-666, who got overthrown by his chief lieutenants using the X-Antibody. However, Yggdrassil has a loyal follower, Dorumon/Alphamon, who plans to revive Yggdrassil-666 by summoning the Chosen Children, letting them grow stronger, then killing them as 'human sacrifices'. Yggdrassil-666 will then call on the other Yggdrassil units in the Digimon Multiverse to alert them of the existence of multiple worlds, and every tyrannical Yggdrassil in the Multiverse will join together to take down Antanasoff, ENIAC, and the Canon Characters. It wasn't intended to be, but it could. The Seven Deadly Sins could be the ones who overthrew Yggdrassil, and Dorumon could direct the Chosen against them as part of his plan.[/quote] And with the recurring theme being a number (7), the RP title shall be 'Digimon: Counting Stars' (Japanese: DEJItaru MONsutaa ~Hoshi o Kazoeru~). What do you fellow Digi-Champs think?