Roxy snorted.[color=blue] "Don't thank me for that. It was nothing."[/color] The man had been a jerk but he hadn't been a threat. She had learned to stand up to people like him when she was a kid. It hadn't taken any effort on her part. [color=blue]"Fine we will get soup. Let's go."[/color] She wasn't hungry but she knew she needed to eat. She needed to keep her strength. She headed back to the door so they could go to the cafe. With any luck nothing else would happen for a few days. Not that it mattered when they came back. She knew that they would be back. Her freedom was gone. She would have to find a way to build a new life. It wasn't the first time she had to start over. It wasn't likely to be the last. Life changed. She would figure it out in time. She waited for Jess to finish whatever she was doing on her phone before unlocking the door. She wasn't worried about who Jess was talking to or what she was saying. There was no point in worry about it. She couldn't control the empath any more than she could control anything else. Stressing about it would only add to the problems she already had rather than solving anything.