[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/5xwkbgd73/8402167275e0247750f8d47a1609230f.png[/img][hr][img]https://s17.postimg.cc/59n3mo9mn/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@BlueSky44][@Peridot][hr][h3][color=#9999ff][b]December 29th, 2016 - 9:25 A.M. EST - 1 Day Since Hel Returned[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=9999ff][i][b]Shaw Psychiatric Hospital - Washington D.C....[/b][/i][/color] [i][color=339933]"Jakobsen - heard Hel did a number on you,"[/color][/i] Jade answered. Her British accent may have helped to liven up her words slightly, but they were delivered in a fairly even monotone. [i][color=339933]"I've got a small team up in Boston at the moment. Not going to be able to give you much but--"[/color][/i] and then the call dropped. It was a random technical glitch and nothing more than that, but Jakobsen didn't have anymore change as well. He could look for more and make another call, but he needs to get a move on. Ricky looked at him hopefully. "Good news?" he asked simply. [color=9999ff][i][b]Sayuki Household - Boston, Massachusetts...[/b][/i][/color] Kyasarin looked at Jessica with skepticism, the hope that had been there vanishing. She didn't believe in faith healers or anything like that. From what her dad told her, they usually turned out to be frauds anyways. But her legs began to tingle as a warmth went through them, a soft glow emanating from Jessica's hands. Chikashi stared at the scene with astonishment, while Mallory looked bored. "How do you feel?" Chikashi asked as the glow faded. Sayuki gingerly pushed herself to her feet, her legs wobbling as she nearly collapsed back into the wheelchair, managing to lower herself down slowly. But she had a huge smile on her face and she brushed aside a tear. It had worked. [color=9999ff][i][b]Coventry Horrors Hotel - Coventry, Massachusetts...[/b][/i][/color] "Who do you keep talking to, Thalia?" Folly asked quietly. She was flipping through the guest book but while she found the O.M.E.N. agent's name, there was no contact information listed. It was just a dead end. She stared at the book for a moment before chucking it against the wall, watching as it collided and then fell to the ground harshly. A photograph fell off the wall and shattered as well in the process. "It was a dead end..." Folly said with a sigh, sinking to the ground and hugging her knees. She didn't want to voice it, but she missed Fairfax. They had made a good team together.[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#C39BD3]Robin Ramírez[/color] & [color=00ffcc]Aloise Zamora[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s17.postimg.cc/wmm321jsv/ezgif-2-0869d8c78d.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#C39BD3]Location:[/color][/b] Room 307 - Hunter Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska [b][color=00ffcc]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Mariana Garcia [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [color=00ffcc]"All without lifting a finger,"[/color] Aloise observed. [color=00ffcc]"Once O.M.E.N. took a hit, everything else started crumbling..."[/color] It was sad but true. With O.M.E.N. vulnerable, funds had been redirected from other agencies, making them vulnerable to attack. It was a horrible chain reaction, with Hel hardly having to do anything. She had just shown up and decimated the strongest organization - and now, the weaker ones had started to crumble. It made her reevaluate their plan for a moment - would they actually be capable of tricking her? But Aloise supposed that the more pride and ego a person had - even a goddess - the easier they were to deceive. By that logic, deceiving Hel should be a piece of cake. She then looked back at Mariana. [color=00ffcc]"Home Depot?"[/color] Aloise suggested. They'd need material to actually build this throne. [color=00ffcc]"Or Lowes? I'm not sure which home improvement stores exist in Nebraska..."[/color] [color=#C39BD3]"I can stay here while you two shop, keep a look out for our imported fluids,"[/color] Robin said, cracking a bit of a joke. She then glanced at the news and frowned. Carson City had been mentioned - she had a bad history with a witch coven from there. [color=#C39BD3]"Anyone here really good at carving sigils?"[/color] Robin asked. [color=00ffcc]"I can give it a go."[/color]