Abigail looked over as the guards and Elizabeth came running up. A smile formed on her lips at the sight of her cousin. Though it turned a bit embarrassed and sheepish as she was pulled to her feet. "I'm fine," she said. "I wasn't watching where I was standing." The coat was nice but she really wasn't cold. The water was warm and at the moment she still had adrenaline running through her veins. Despite the fact her clothes were soaked to her skin, her hair plastered behind her. Her parents would have a conundrum if they saw her now. Her uncle made up for that. "I'm fine," she repeated a bit unsettled with all the concern and attention. As her rescuer introduced herself, Abigail turned and looked at her, the smile growing wide. The smile vanished at the accusation from the redcoats. Drawing herself up to all the authority she was accustomed to, she glared at them. "She saved my life." Her tone held rebuke at the insinuation that her rescuer would be anything but good. The woman saved her. Pulled her out of the water when she would have drowned. That alone had to indicate the woman had a virtuous heart. That she was good. Therefore, Abigail was appalled that anyone would even dare suggest the woman was capable of evil. There was undoubtedly a good explanation to the whole thing. Moving away from Elizabeth, her chin lifted, she stepped almost in front of Vivienne. Her chin lifted as she turned her attention toward the Commodore and her uncle. "She saved my life," she repeated again. "An individual risking their own for a complete stranger cannot be someone with ill intent." She looked at the redcoats, her tone, body language, and facial expression indicating her status as the daughter of a lord with all the authority within. "Return her things to her." She looked at Vivienne. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." There was not a hint of her annoyance with the soldiers on her face as she turned to look at her rescuer. "You saved my life. I am in your debt." She might have the bearing of someone in the court but her eyes gave away just how young she was. Not to mention the very fact she presumed Vivienne's innocence based on her actions showed a bit of a naivety on the girl's part. "I'm Abigail Ashe, daughter of Lord Henry Ashe, Governor of the Carolinas and overseer of the Royal Navy." She stepped aside slightly. "This is my uncle and my cousin - Governor Swann and Elizabeth. And her fiance, Commodore Norrington." With the pride of a hostess, she stepped aside so they could properly great each other, not fully understanding the slight distrust that the Commodore and her uncle showed. A hint of concern flickered on her face as she glanced at Elizabeth hoping her cousin would shed some light on the poor response they were showing.