[@LuckyBlackCat][@Cerces22][@Zarkun][@Dusksong] [h3][color=c4df9b]March 8th, 2020[/color][/h3] [b][color=fff79a]08:30 Local Time[/color][/b] The cafeteria was full, as everyone was still wiping away the crust from their eyes and chowing down on another simplistic [url=https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/07/d4/44/6e/breakfast-of-russian.jpg]Russian breakfast[/url]. At the beginning of the week, the room was mostly divided into two sections: the trainers and the would be trainers. But now, with three entire days under their belts, the two factions were beginning to intermingle; the room was no longer clearly divided. Towards the end of lunch, Professor Rowan stood on top of a chair and called for everyone's attention, [b]"Alright everyone! If I may have your attention please!"[/b] The room quieted down fairly quickly. [b]"Thank you very much. Now, I'd like to run over today's schedule with you."[/b] He was referencing a piece of paper in his hand. [b]"At 09:30 we will be heading out in two vans. Our first stop will be where the heard of Stantler were most recently seen. We will explore the surrounding area for a about four hours before moving on to our next stop. The next stop will be a return trip to the Norilsk Airport, where you all arrived a few days ago. There we will have lunch and then begin exploring the area to the south of the airport; hopefully we will be able to find some Paras in that area. Again we will spend about another four hours here. After that, we will return back here. Tomorrow, we will be driving a little further and spending the day looking for Clefairy in the mountains... So eat up, and get ready. Busses leave in forty minutes... Thank you all."[/b] As Professor Rowan left the cafeteria, voices began to fill the room once more, some people resuming their original conversations. Others focused on the announcement, fantasizing about catching their first Pokemon. [hr] ([i][b]Not So Quick Note:[/b] I have three user controlled characters that have not captured a Pokemon yet and three wild Pokemon to catch. So, this is the plan: [@Cerces22],[@Zarkun], and [@Dusksong]: You three may call dibs now on the Pokemon you would like to TRY to catch. Obviously, if you pick the Stantler, you are volunteering to be the next person to post; Paras is second; Clefairy is third. You may choose the Pokemon's gender and level. It's level can be anywhere from lvl 5 to lvl 15. You will post about the trip to the location, the discovery of the Pokemon, and your first Pokeball throw. I will then run a series of dice rolls to see if you catch the Pokemon, regardless of how many throws it takes, or if it runs away. [b]Also[/b]: It is Summer in the northern Hemisphere. And at our Latitude, that means there are only a couple hours of night time a day. While it is cold, it's not snowy. So please tone down the mentioning of snow. Most of that stuff has been melted, the ground is mostly wet, muddy, and icy.[/i])