A pair of eyes watched from the corner of the training area and a massive grin appeared on the figure's face as the Ki orbs began to fall and shortly after began to zoom and zig-zag around the area in unpredictable maneuvers. He could see that if the orbs touched anyone, it was going to hurt like hell, but he didn't care. This being was giving him the chance to become strong. Stronger them he could have ever imagined possible. The figured wearing old and beaten Saiyan battle armor let out a laugh as he jumped into the fray and immediately was shocked by a few of the orbs as two of them slammed into him and a third hit him in the back. He let out a shout of pain but managed to barely remain on his feet as he raised his hands above him. "Heh. I've felt worse back home. Some of my food used to fight back." He laughed as he began to try dodging as many of the Ki orbs as possible while firing off ki blasts of his own at the orbs to either knock them away or simply blast them into oblivion. What Sythis wasn't detecting was the incoming natives of the planet. His damaged scouter had been destroyed years ago by food that had decided to fight back. He was unable to sense the incoming natives of the planet.