[h3][color=LightSlateGray]Ardanata “Dana” Stamos[/color][/h3][hr][hr][i]Russia || Norilsk || May 7th[/i] Dana was among the trainers leading the group with Professor Rowan, so of course she noticed when the blonde boy slowly drifted towards the back of the group before running off altogether. An hour or so of empty trekking had made many in the group irritable and sulky, so it was easy to see how he’d managed to slip away. Still, though Dana would have preferred not to get involved, she glanced at the trainers walking beside her, asking her silent question: who would go after the boy? [hider=Notes][h3] [/h3][u] Pokemon: [/u] [list][*]Duskull ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Ivysaur* ♀ — Lv 34 [*]Combusken ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Scizor ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Marshtomp ♂ — Lv 34 [*]Clefable ♀ — Lv 34[/list][h3] [/h3][/hider][h1] [/h1][hr][h3][color=Khaki]Camden Montero[/color][/h3][hr][hr][i]May 4th || Russia || Norilsk[/i] Food was completely forgotten when Professor Rowan announced their next trip. Abandoning his fork, Camden grinned, quickly pulling on his jacket. [i]A Stantler’s the only one of the three that looks anything near decent, and there’s no way I’m letting someone beat me to the punch this time,[/i] he thought as he deposited his dinnerware before sitting back and pulling up information on Stantler on his phone. The first thing he’d done before coming to Russia was download everything he needed from the internet since he didn’t know whether he’d have connection after arrival. [i]Caribou-like,[/i] Camden read from Bulbapedia’s entry, his grin maintaining its vigor. [i]Not a bad looker with those horns.[/i] [hr] Camden was among the first in line, of course, and accordingly, he got in the first van. Of course, this was all made meaningless when the first van waited for the second, following in tow when the second left first. [i]My luck better turn out better when I throw the Pokeball,[/i] Camden thought with annoyance, bouncing his foot up and down as time ticked by. When the busses rolled up to a stop, Camden—less pushy than just plain impatient and rushed—was out within seconds, eyes taking in his new surroundings. The Professor’s ensuing brief was, therefore, mostly lost on Camden, whose eyes kept drifting to the landscape behind. When the group finally stepped into the field—split into two groups, with Camden following in the Professor’s—Camden flanked the Pokemon world trainers at the head, but after one, then two hours of empty trekking through the peaceful lakesides, he dropped back to the tail of the group, his eyes wandering into the grassy fields behind him. [i]If I broke off from the group right now,[/i] he thought as he let himself fall further behind, [i]And say it was because I spotted a Stantler…[/i] A glimpse of an antler sent Camden sprinting into the bushy plain behind him, avoiding patchy snow in favor of grassy ground as he ran towards the mirage he’d seen, slowing to a walk when he was within ten meters. Behind another bush was the Stantler he’d seen, its gaze apathetically watchful as Camden approached Resting on the ground, it waited patiently as Camden closed the few meters between them, rising to its feet only when Camden was within two meters distance of it. Its eyes held polite interest rather than fear as Camden’s hand slowly went into his pocket, producing a Pokeball that he held up to show the Stantler. And, when Camden threw the ball—underhand, with careful, measured strength—it remained equally calm, allowing itself to be enveloped in red light. [i]You understand what I’m trying to do,[/i] Camden thought with excited apprehension as the Pokeball fell on the forest floor, rocking in place. [i]So, please, agree with it too.[/i] [hr][@Balthazar007]