Terhikki soon tired of gazing off at the storms; the rumblings of those clouds were nothing compared to the rumblings of her stomach at this very moment. She frowned a bit as her reverie of analysis was interrupted by her body's form of reminding her that she hadn't eaten since the day before, and well- it needed food. She rested her hands on her stomach and groaned-- "I can't fish with all these people on the docks!" She whined, before whirling around in a predatory style. "But wait- where there's a port, there's bound to be...Bingo." She grinned to herself as she approached tavern whose name she couldn't read, and strode ever-confidently into it. She wore a massive grin, her wet hair wild and salty, the rest of her still veritably soaked, and barely had to look around before she forgot her hunger. Her eyes fell upon a violet haired imperius woman- the way she carried herself screamed to Terhikki that she was someone the Frozen Sea-lander gal probably wouldn't enjoy being around... But diving is diving, and she grinned wider as she eyed the woman over in a rather appraising manner. "Oh ye. You'll do nicely." She said to herself in appraisal of Watercrest, nodding as she stared at the imperial woman. It was earnestly a very unsettling thing to witness- the tall, wet, and far too excited gal wringing her hands in excitement as she stared at another woman across a tavern- but Terhikki didn't seem to notice the obscenity of her situation, and briskly made her way across the tavern to deposit herself in a seat at Watercrest's table. "Oi. You look like you'll make a good Diving Buddy, and I don't have one. Name's Terhikki Veps- bah, I don't expect you to remember my last name. Terhikki'll do." She made herself comfortable and relaxed in the chair without so much as asking Watercrest's permission. "I picked you...well...because you look like you've done the ol' 'sink and 'splore' routine a few times. I'm no slouch, but I know to grab someone experienced when I have the chance. Err...I just assumed you didn't have a partner yet, the crazy 'Holier than Thou' vibes you give off would probably scare most people away." She explained quite unecessarily. "But...not me. So what's your name, I won't take 'no' for an answer." She concluded her ramble by flashing Watercrest a massive smile.