[center] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180415/1eec6e9701f4270e592208988c670ad7.png [/img] [/center] [center] [sub] Bride of [color=5ec4b3]Kagan[/color][@ghastlyInc] and Sister Bride of Adorabella [@eclecticwitch] [/sub] [/center] Bree felt a small amount of tension fall from her shoulders as Kagan got up to ready himself for the bath. He turned away from the pair to give them the illusion of privacy. A favor Bree felt no obligation to return as he stripped away his clothing, eyeing him the same way she might appraise a horse. Wonder mixed with a healthy amount of fear. She’d seen naked men before, her brother had little shame in hotter climates. She was relieved to see that the rumor of a barbed tip was false. Although that did little to quell the nausea rolling around her stomach. She was startled out of her thought by her tiny purple problem touching Bree’s dress. The girl had done nothing wrong. She was a little too peppy, borderline obnoxious. And Bree knew that none of this was her fault, But that didn’t matter. Her very existence made Allie’s less likely. Her provocative nature and ease with her own body seemed more a desirable trait than Bree’s own...lacking skill set. Bree snatched the girl’s wrist as it touched the top of her dress, squeezing it. Bree’s face flushed red at the Adora’s boldness. “[color=E9967A]Thank you, for your thoughtfulness,[/color]” Bree’s whispered voice hinting a poorly concealed rage. “[color=E9967A]But don’t touch me, [i]ever[/i],[/color]” Being with Kagan was expected, she planned to be with a drakkan. Allie and her both. It was an inconvenience above all else. But...Adora touching her felt like betrayal. Once she was certain that the girl had gotten the message, she dropped her wrist and turned to removed her own clothing. She left her ruined dress and under things in a small pile on the floor. Bree paused for a second on her way to the tub eyeing the two abandoned glasses, hesitating over which to grab. She finally settled on Kagan’s and filled it with the remaining wine. Although she longed for more for herself, she didn’t want to fog her mind any further. While her sister-bride made a show of getting in the water, Bree slipped in with little ceremony, careful not to spill the wine as she did. With Adora taking the spot across from Kagan Bree sat somewhere between the pair. Her body giving a few small shivers as water started to warm her. Truthfully, she would have appreciated a little more heat, but that was personal preference, this was more than fine. After a minute she held the glass out to Kagan “[color=E9967A]I’ve always found that a bath pairs best with wine,[/color]” Bree had been in somewhat of a ball when she first entered the bath, as she warmed, her legs began to uncurl, stretching out into the water, she was only able to stretch out half as far as she like when her legs crossed over Kagan’s. She watched as Adora put on a show of removing the pins from her hair. Bree fixed a pleasant smile on her face. “[color=E9967A]You truly are lovely[/color],” she said, “[color=E9967A] And the royal family must have been so lucky to find someone as [i] experienced [/i] as you to pass out as a special reward[/color],” [hider=summary] Bree is a bitch. But at least she brings wine [/hider] [center][h3][color=B0C4DE][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180415/8766bcbe72dc86096741efaec737debc.png[/img][/color][/h3][/center] [center] [sub] Bride of Keregar [@Legion02]; and sister bride of Nadia [@Vesuvius00][/sub][/center] An ache started to form deep in her stomach. The more the boy spoke, the more the ache grew. [i][color=B0C4DE] You knew this would be bad. You know all the stories. You know. [/color] [/i] But knowing what had happened to others was far easier to deal with then facing the reality on her own. The fact that it was coming from such an innocent voice made it all the worst. Children are not a good liars and his voice carried such an air of certainty, that Xaelia didn’t question any of it. The ‘smaller’ drakkan was soon forced to the side by two hulking figures. They were Keregar reborn younger and more wild. Like new sparks trying to catch the world a blaze. She felt herself shrink as they spoke about her and her sister-bride as though they were objects. Xae tried to make her self small, shoulder hunching forward and her arms crossing over her chest. She couldn’t stop them from looking, but she didn’t have to make it easy for them to see. One of the twin’s said something to the other. Lighting a fuse that exploded into a fight between the brothers. Showing just how quickly drakken comradery could turn to violence, even between siblings. One pulled a knife, tossing it at the brother's face. The other caught it in the cup. The cup fell. The liquid splashed across the floor. And the cup rolled. Right to Xaelia feet. Knife still buried deep. The little drakkan had made it very clear that this was the place that Gems were sent to die. Whether it was tonight, in a week or nine months after a particularly unlucky night. Trusting that the two brothers were now far more interested in themselves than the two girls, Xaelia risked reaching for it. The cup was heavy and the knife looked far larger in her hand than it did in the twin's. The blade was buried deep in the cup and every second she spent working it free was another second that she could be found out. In her panic, her left thumb slipped across the blade as she finally yanked it free. The wound wasn’t deep and the blade was so sharp that she’d hardly felt it, but already a small trail of scarlet was pooling from the wound. She felt a certain amount of comfort with the hilt in her hand. But her plan had ended with getting the knife. It was too large to hide in her dress and the room was too sparsely furnished to be of any use in hiding the object. She tried to imagine using it, slashing at the drakkan, cutting at them. She’d lose, that was for certain no matter what. Yet even in her fantasy, she wouldn’t see herself a using for more than a threat with no intention to follow up. “[b]Enough![/b]” Time was up. “[b]What is going on?[/b]” For the moment, Keregar’s wrath seemed to be focused on his sons. The rage of a wild fire that sent the young pups scattering into the safety of the thunderstorm. Xae shoved her hand and knife behind her back, adding the other one to make her stance seem little more natural. The little drakkan apeared again as soon as his older brothers vanished. Carrying small mugs that gave off a familiar scent. One that reminded her of the open air markets along the costal cities. Taking the cup would have meant moving one of her hands, which she couldn’t do, not now. “[color=B0C4DE]I don’t like tea[/color],” she said curtly, then after a moment added [color=B0C4DE]"Thank you though, [/color]. Her voice carrying the same tone as when she lecture the boy about how mothers worked. “[b]You’re both from Gemina right? How does it look there?[/b]” She could at least humor the boy with that. “[color=B0C4DE]It is the most beautiful and blessed place on earth[/color],” she said, surprised to hear a true sound of longing in her voice. “ [color=B0C4DE]To the south, there are the desert cities that formed around oasis'. There the sand warms and the water cools and they always serve food so rich with spices every other meal before pales in comparison. To the East are the costal towns. The beaches are white sand and there are tall trees that you climb for fresh fruit all year round. The houses are made of white stone and the water is filled with flightless birds that will swim around your feet. The north has forests of evergreen trees and in the winter, the land is covered with a blanket of snow so white that is makes all clouds look grey. They service a warm drink, sweet as melted candy. The capital is made up of diamonds that glisten in the light like a morning star and the streets are lined with marble and gold. It is a true tragedy that there are poor souls who never get to experience its wonder[/color],” She tried to keep the words flowing, tried to keep talking, to erase all guilt that her face might have initially displayed. While her mind tried to create a plan that would see the knife in a safer place. [hider=Summary] Xae panics. Boys fight. Find knife. Tell story. Full spite [/hider]