[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUZOMGNtRnVaMlZ5LjAA/neutronium.medium.png[/img][/center] The bustling centre was not the right place for it. It watched from the shadows, Its form engulfed in them, making it next to impossible to see. With a small turn of its head, it had completed surveying whatever was in sight, and finished mapping out the superstore. A multilevel diagram of the store popped in in the corner of It's HUD, marking out potential targets and locations for It to visit. It sighed, which to anyone else, would have sounded like gears starting up in a car of old. It dropped down from its perch, about twenty metres up, and landed on Its feet, but without a sound. This of course alerted a couple of nearby shoppers, who saw the Thing drop seemingly from nowhere, and they jumped back in fright. It stood up straight, glanced in the shoppers direction, and they made haste in the opposite direction. Another intake of breath, this time seemingly in amusement. And then, as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared again. Its form rippling, then seemingly fading into the tide of new shoppers. Unbeknownst to all, it was making its way to the nearest target displayed on a map. A small weapons store. Something that might be selling what It wanted.