Terhikki's smile twisted into a grin and she folded her arms over her chest as she closed her eyes and adopted an incredibly smug expression. The words she spoke next came in a distinclty overdramatized tone. The kind one would usually associate with a hype-man trying to peddle a ware. "Terhikki Vepsalainen is a Snow Hare, Violet." She said, clearly disregarding Marina's name seconds after asking for it. "You've probably heard of 'em. The best divers of the Frozen Sea. Well, I happen to be the best of the best- second only to my own teacher." She chuckles and opens her eyes, resting her gaze on Marina. It was a weighty gaze, made a bit comical by the wet hair clinging to the young woman's face. She blew upwards with her lips, trying to dislodge the hair on her face once she realized it was tampering with her intended look, but she resolved herself to just having hair in her face since she was too stubborn to uncross her arms and fix it again after beginning this cocky tirade. "So that explains why I'm the best choice for a crewmate..." Terhikki began, her grin falling into a more subtle smirk. "But [b]this[/b] is why [i]you're[/i] gonna work with me; I'm not in it for the loot. I just want one thing- one special thing with a cool story- that I can take home to my tribe. Anything else I haul is yours." Soaking wet and with her hair falling back into her face, somehow Terhikki manages to keep up her cocky and confident demeanor. "And that aside- I look out for my friends." At these words, her eyes harden into ice as she holds Marina in her gaze. Hard, jagged, ice that pierces into Marina. "With me at your back, you won't have a thing to worry about." When she said these words, it was with such conviction that it seemed to be a vow. "So... How about it, Violet?" Her eyes softened again and she returned to her smug expression, eyes closing as she awaited Marina's response.