[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Jessica Pearson[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/43485dfed40cc6747f820b5d7748352a/tumblr_o178maefzu1tax0jwo1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Sayuki Chikashi's Apartment, Boston Massachusetts Interacting With: Kyasarin, Chikashi, & Mallory[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Jessica had a feeling that Kyasarin was skeptical which she didn't blame her, a lot of people could act as fakes or charlatans but she continued to focus for awhile until she decided that it was good enough for now. When the glow started to fade she looked up at Kyasarin for a moment, and smiled when she watched her legs move a little bit, Jessica couldn't help but smile when she saw that the girl was slowly standing up. It reminded her of a young newborn fawn getting up and trying to walk for the first time, then she slowly went back into the wheel chair. [color=yellow]"Your gonna need some physical therapy but in no time you will be able to walk normally in no time."[/color] Jessica said with a smile, she was really happy that she was able to help Kyasarin be able to walk once more. She wasn't going to pry on how the accident occurred, it was probably very personal to her and the family as well. And it was the least that she could do for the Sayuki's since they took her and Mallory in. Jessica then turned over to look at Mallory for a moment, she didn't want to be the one to have the family be killed if either Hel or the angels would be coming to hunt for them. [color=yellow]"So got any plans on what to do next?"[/color] Jessica asked the kumatock. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=00CED1]Mariana Garcia[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tumblr.com/2b22ad7790dc665acd04f2b75ee1488c/tumblr_inline_mk1ehhS9rg1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [I]Location: Room 307 - Hunter Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora[@Morose][/I][/center] [hr][hr] Mariana turned to look over at Aloise when she asked which home improvement store that they could go to get the supplies to make Hel's little throne. [color=00CED1]"Home Depot will work, if not Lowes would be the next good bet."[/color] Mariana said as she stood up and moved over towards a bedside table and pulled out a drawer. Inside was where she stashed all of her fake IDs and stolen credit cards, she didn't have enough money on her. Finding a VISA card she stuffed it into her wallet and closed the drawer, looking over at her cousin and couldn't help but smirk slightly at her. [color=00CED1]"Make sure it's not the fluids between their legs. If you are okay holding down the fort here that is and dealing with the weirdos."[/color] Mariana said jokingly, then she started to think about it for a moment and gave a slight shrug. [color=00CED1]"I did woodshop in high school, it shouldn't be hat hard, though I forget how long ago that was."[/color] Mariana said with a slight sigh as she walked over and grabbed her handgun and quickly hide it in the strap of her waist behind her back and hid it under her shirt. [color=00CED1]"Shall we Aloise?"[/color] Mariana asked as she walked over towards the door. [color=00CED1]"I'll text you when we have the stuff Robin."[/color] Mariana said towards her cousin as she left and made her way towards her car.