[center][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color] & Joel[/h1][/center][hr][center][h2]Location: City Hall Roof; Sunday[/h2][/center][hr][center][h3]Interaction: Each other [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4546127]Siobhan[/url] ([@Almalthia]) [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4491960]Joel[/url] ([@Pilatus])[/h3][/center][hr][center][h3]Mentions: [/h3][/center][hr] Joel smirked a little, “You wouldn't be the first woman to tell me a lie.” He said with a comical matter-of-fact tone. Considering what she was wearing, it was damn near impossible not visualize her sitting in his lap as soon as she said the words, but he kept his expression level and only indulged partially in catching her glance as she leaned against the wall. She was tall, nearly his height without her footwear. He looked out over the skyline then turned back to her taking the bottle from her hand. He made a small show of wiping the neck with his jacket and returned a sly smirk. “You sure you're old enough to be drinking this?” He said. A bit of him did actually wonder since she mentioned her parents so much, but she seemed well spoken, which he liked and very much red-headed, which he also liked. He took a swig and looked at the bottle with raised eyebrows. It was really too dim to read it so he shrugged and took another drink. “Not bad.” He said ignoring her other questions. [color=fff200]“I’m positive that's true, but I'm not like every other woman.”[/color] Siobhan sipped her scotch and smirked. She looked up at him and grinned.[color=fff200] “Old enough to be on my own.” She winked at him. “Young enough to give you a run for your money. Of course the scotch isn't bad. It's bloody Scottish single malt 30 year Glenlivet. Only some of the best scotch on the planet, well from personal opinion, which is the only one that counts, right?”[/color] Siobhan still didn't have her shoes all the way on.[color=fff200] “Can I use you to balance while I put these heels on? Or are you afraid of a little thing like me?”[/color] “I guess that makes you some kind of classy drunk then.” Joel said, referring to to the bottle. “And don't flatter yourself.” He continued, meeting her glance with amusement. Women had been after him all day since the race ended. This one just happened to have lucked her way into a more personal interview seemingly by chance, but he still had his reservations about that. “Might as well get comfortable,” He said slinking down to the bottom of the door and purposefully turning his head to keep her from accusing him of looking up her dress. He glanced at his phone, still no reply from Tommy. “I don’t know how long he's gonna be.” Just because he hadn't replied didn't mean it he didn't get it. Knowing fully what she was doing, he continued to look off in the distance until she decided where she was going. Watching Joel banter back with her was fun and having someone else to call her out besides Paige was refreshing. At least sarcasm wasn't lost on him. Siobhan grinned at him turning his head.[color=fff200][i] At least he's acting like a gentleman, for now.[/i][/color] Siobhan sits down next to him and pulls up a leg and fixes the straps on the heels careful not to flash Joel and be rude.[color=fff200] “Well if one doesn't flatter oneself then who will? Comfortable would be jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a nice pair of chucks. Old and broken in. But I lack that at the moment so this will have to work. Classy drunk. I'd say more picky than classy. A good beer, double meat pizza and Princess Bride and that would be heaven for me. But more importantly who is this ‘He' that is going to rescue us? At least you had the presence of mind to keep your phone on you. Oh I'm done fixing my shoes so I won't offend your sensibilities and prudish ways.”[/color] She smirked at him waiting to see if that got a rise out of him thinking that it was pretty much the opposite for him. Joel huffed a little in amusement. She kept trying to get a rise out of him, but scant few had ever been able to accomplish such a feat. He grinned a little looking away. “You have a funny way of talking,” He said finally. “You use about forty words when ten will do.” He wondered how she wasn't freezing in what she was wearing, but figured the alcohol was likely burning steady under her skin. Once she started to really sober up, she’d be freezing her ass off. He yawned again, slightly tired. “That person is my friend, Tommy, he drove in the race with me,” He said. “I'm sure he's down there right now hob-nobbing with all those socialites you pissed off earlier.” She wrinkled her nose at Joel's mention of the upper class mess that was downstairs.[color=fff200] “I can tell you that I don't like to be misunderstood so I explain myself fully. As for Tommy, we might want to consider saving him. We're better off here. Although it is getting to where I'm starting to feel the cold. And I'll refer you to Billy Joel for the comment that I pissed them off.” [/color]She rubbed her chilled arms. [color=fff200][i]Damn the fact that I stopped drinking. Now I'm cold…[/i][/color] Siobhan crossed her arms loosely and quickly, hopefully not so quickly that she drew attention to the fact that she was cold. [Url=https://youtu.be/eFTLKWw542g]”Pretty sure you started that fire.”[/url] Joel replied and continued on the Billy Joel nuances. It was becoming obvious that her layer of alcoholic protection was wearing away fast. Joel smirked a little. Being comfortably warm in his expensively tailored suit, he was a bit curious how long she would take to see if he would give her his jacket. There was no doubt however that she was right about the downstairs assembly and the thought of them pickled his nerves as well. In a way she had indeed pulled the cover away from their facade of pretending to care anything about him or Tommy. Joel knew they could have won without them, but Tommy's mind was in the right place and the publicity would pay dividends. It was a one-race deal and they were essentially done with them from a business standpoint. The social aspect was another matter altogether. [color=fff200]“Too bad that most of the time you have to kiss ass to get recognized for your talents. It's like that in the Art business too. You end up picking up different mediums to broaden your scope to keep jobs and money coming in. Paintings only pay the bills so far. You're lucky. You have a highly demanded job. Art is a cruel mistress.”[/color] Siobhan tilted her head at his direction rubbing her arms absently.[color=fff200][i] I am not giving in to the cold yet. We'll be rescued before that and he doesn't need the stigma of someone finding me wearing his jacket.[/i][/color] “I think I'm done working on cars because I have to,” Joel said almost with relief in his voice. “After today I'll only do it because I [i]want[/i] to.” The winnings from the race were enough to take care of him and Tommy for quite a while. Not that his former NFL quarterback business partner needed the cash, but it was no small sum and thanks to a certain wager Joel had made under the table, his jackpot was going to be significantly larger. His mind wandered briefly to his upcoming trip to Tokyo where he would be claiming a certain part of that prize. He hadn't spoken a word of it to anyone. If Tommy could keep his secrets about their sponsors then Joel figured it was fair to keep his own about betting on the race. “I wasn't sure if you were actually an artist,” He admitted. “I thought you were just talkin’ shit back at the bar.” [color=fff200]“Artist yes. Talkin’ shit; no I wasn’t. I’m serious about my craft. Not a trust fund baby either. I earned my way well after the age of eighteen that is. Really am working on a medical book for an Anatomy Professor. She asked what I wanted for my time and I told her a year of college. Wanted the experience and all that jazz plus it gets me a start on a Minor in Business. I already have the Bachelors in Fine Arts. But all that is boring and I’d put you to sleep with the differences in Manet and Monet and the beginnings of Impressionism. When I prefer the Pre-Raphaelite works like Waterhouse and Rossetti...and I’m sure your eyes are glazing over. At this point I’m going to let you talk cause I’m just doing it to keep my mind off the nip… the chill in the air.” [/color]She motioned around with her hands in graceful open gestures. Realizing that she was leading the conversation with her hands and astounded that she hadn’t dropped the glass yet. She blushed and loosely crossed her arms in front of her again and sipped more of the scotch. [color=fff200][i]This is keeping me thinking that I'm warm at least. Fine line that I'll ride.[/i][/color] “I can think of plenty of things I would have asked for other than a year of college.” Joel replied. “All that ‘college experience’ junk is just a marketing gimmick.” He waved one hand towards the east. “I got my degree in business right over here in town, never lived a day on campus, I showed up when I wanted and I left when I wanted, rode the whole thing on a scholarship that they quit offering after I got it.” He was proud of the fact that he gamed the system in a way and feeling like he'd given the finger to the college-life establishment was very satisfying to him. Since she seemed somewhat interested in what he had to say, so he decided to run with it bit though talking about himself for extended times made him feel uncomfortable. “I've got a small business trip coming up and I'm going to be out of the country for a week or so,” He said. “So I won't be able to look at your car for a little bit.” She raised an eyebrow at Joel.[color=fff200] “Seriously? What’d you do pull a Van Wilder to get their panties in a wad? You’re going out of the country? Where to?” [/color]Siobhan was genuinely interested, which in and of itself was rare but to be interested in a guy? That was front page news worthy. [color=fff200][i]Why is he so interesting? It's like he has different lights that highlight something different each time he talks. I just really want to sit and listen occasionally interjecting a comment here and there.[/i][/color] She’d made a few sales in different countries that she hadn’t visited yet. She rubbed are arms and legs for warmth and waited to see if he would answer. Joel chuckled a bit at her comment. College had been a breeze for him and he’d only scantly applied himself to be successful. “Yeah, nah.” He grinned and considered his next words, not that he was afraid of telling or concerned who might find out, but because he'd been so disciplined in keeping it under wraps. He had to admit, however, that some part of him did enjoy a good piece of gossip. “I'm actually going to Tokyo,” He said, a smirk growing on his face that he was unable to restrain. “If I tell you a little secret, think you can keep it to yourself?”