Terhikki's eyes opened and a brief look of bewilderment crossed her features. That was not what she had anticipated as a response at all. On the one hand, it was an affirmative. On the other, it was such blunt flirtation that Terhikki couldn't quite handle it. So she settled for deflection and moving forward. "Precious thi- Cute- sure, sure, why not. Whatever" She huffed nonchalantly. She cleared her throat once. A blush flittered to her cheeks, but it faded relatively quickly. The girl wasn't easy to embarrass, but Marina had caught her off guard. Terhikki relaxed back in the seat once more and finally unfolded her arms, lifting a hand to meticulously fix her hair and clear her face up once again. "Awesome. Violet and Terhikki: Divers Extraordinaire." She fidgeted for a few seconds, before Terhikki suddenly leapt up and ran around the table to embrace Marina in a massively strong, wet, and overly friendly hug. Terhikki's unquestionable strength and amazing physical power is likely revealed to Marina via this veritable bear hug- the hug itself not enough to crush the woman, but it was clear Terhikki could probably throw Marina clear across the room if she put forth the required effort. "Sorry-- I just get so excited when I make new friends! They all get hugs!" She then set Marina back down and returned to her seat, the brief excitement of the hug seemingly having helped her regain her composure. "So...Uh...Can you read what that note says to me- I don't actually know specifically why I'm here. I uh...can't read." She said lamely.