[color=gray][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180317/82cafd1bca7f7e5a38026df8965b8dc7.png[/img] [b][color=662d91]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Fauve, Corc [b][color=662d91]Mentions:[/color][/b] [@Candy] [@Jensoman][/center][hr]Gabriel nodded at Fauve's response. The path does seem safe, and no sounds of battle could be heard yet. There was no need for alarm and Gabriel knew from experience that sometimes that could be a good thing. Besides, given everything, they were a pretty good group with fighters in it so he shouldn't really worry all that much. He looked at Fauve and Corc and then nodded. He should really go back and tell the others about the safe path. This caused his to drown out any sounds that came from the Daughter of Despiun and the conversation between Corc and Fauve. Then a strong gust of wind went through them and that successfully snapped him out - not because of the physical wind, but because he could feel something magical coming out of his companions when he couldn't have earlier. It was rather odd. It's like the feeling of when something's enchanted and that he could feel it. It felt odd to feel it from living beings like them. [b][color=662d91]"What happened?"[/color][/b] He asked out loud accidentally before moving forward - completely forgetting about telling the others that the path was safe. He then knelt beside Corc to peek through the bushes. Just as expected, the Daughter of Despiun and the flute guy from earlier. A sense of dread took place over him and then looked over to Fauve and Corc. [b][color=662d91]"It wouldn't actually do us any good to hide. Whoever let out that magical burst of wind is looking for anyone around, and whoever that is probably knows we're here."[/color][/b] He whispered to them. He looked back at the situation in the clearing. The wind chimes seemed louder to him, or maybe it was because the wind keeps them going. Someone came out of the large skull - which he really didn't find disturbing - and put on the hat. Wait, there was a hat? Huh... that was weird. Something about her didn't rub him the right way. He tightened his grip on his bow as he looked at the girl. There was around eighty-five percent chance she knew they were there but was only focused on the Daughter of Despiun and flute guy for now. Taking an arrow from his quiver, Gabriel looked like he was prepared to shoot down the girl but also looked hesitant and worried. He did [i]not[/i] like this person. [/color]