[center] [img]https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/32512/screenshots/3025506/artificial_intelligence_product_rokid.gif[/img] Hello, and welcome to New Horizon. Here, you can access the HIVEMIND system. This state of the art program allows us to communicate with our heroes in the field, as well as keep a well documented database of their powers and skills. Please enter your username and password![/center] [center][b]Username:[/b] WJ1203 [b]Password:[/b] ********[/center] [center]Log in accepted! Welcome back Mr. Jericho. Please enter new heroes into the system using the following format: Name: Alias: (Superhero name) Age: Gender: Precautions: (Do they wear a destruction chip or dampening bracelets?) Personality: Powers/Abilities: Appearance: Other: History: Thank you, and have a nice day![/center] (Note: You can add things to the CS as you please, but you may not exclude any of the required info)