[h2][center][color=662d91]Gremju the Challenger[/color][/center][/h2] Gremju had returned to the center of the Plains of Madness to ponder how else to breathe life into his little slice of Galbar before he had sensed the presence of one of the other Gods enter the Plains of Madness,perhaps they were having a look around to see what the others had made? He was afraid he would be a disappointment in that regard, his sastuk dwelled far from his own realm and his crystal root trees were only the beginning of his creations. He arrived too late. His visitor had already left it had seemed, now he was near their original position he recognized the Deity in question had been Kap Gam. One of his crystal root tress were missing. It did not take long for Gremju to realize that she was not happy with the imp. The fact she had stolen one of his crystal root trees also implied to intended to destroy the rest of them, or change them. Now he couldn't have that [i]just[/i] yet. At that moment Gremju burst into a fit of laughter, the challenger had been challenged already; he had not intended this to happen as quickly as it had but oh well he should probably devise some kind of defense for his shiny new creation. Frankly he couldn't think of a better time to introduce his own little race to the world. Gremju quickly made his way to the largest crystal root tree that currently lived in the Plains of Madness, it was in the north a small distance from the ocean. Gremju began easing chaotic souls from the tree and began grafting bodies from his own power and the blackened soil of the plains. They were small creatures only rarely reaching his form's full height (which is about 5') with leathery skin that varied in color from black,grey,brown,green and even white or purple on rare occasions. The creatures had sharp claws and teeth with small bat-like wings on their backs. They were not useful for flight but could allow the creatures to glide from heights and to blow the dirt of the plains into the eyes of attackers. Gremju also infused his new creations with a basic territorial attachment to the crystal root trees, they would sleep and raise their young in these trees until the Challenger had a further use for them. After designing his new 'imps' as he had named them, he placed 4 groups of them near the largest crystal root trees in the Plains of Madness where they would ideally spread out as their populations grew and act as primitive defenders for other trees which would serve as a home, a food source and a a birthplace (both of their souls and their physical forms). These creatures would be of no use if Kap Gam personally tried to uproot his creations again but at that point he would intervene directly, even if that sounded incredibly boring to Gremju it would have to be done. With that the imp father took a step back and watched his creations develop and survive in the harsh conditions of the Plains of Madness. [hider=Summary] Noticing Kap Gam's presence in the Plains of Madness, Gremju went to see her only to find she had stolen one of his trees for Lei knows what. He saw this as a challenge and created a primitive (but sentient) race called imps to defend the trees from mortals and decided he would intervene directly if Kap Gam physically tried to steal his trees again. 4 Might 2 Miracles Created the imps- small winged creatures with a instinctive urge to guard crystal root trees which they use as homes (more details for the imps on the creations page- I'd waffle on alot if I put all their details in the post but suffice to say they are adapted to survive in the Plains of Madness) Level 2 2.5/4 Acts of Creation [/hider]